Saturday, August 11, 2012

Running Barefoot... in Purple AND Pink!

This year's new running shoes.  Brought to you by "my old shoes are starting to fall apart" and "my Brother has these neat new 'glove' barefoot shoes and they were cheap so I got some, too!"

You might remember from last year... I typically pick my running shoes based on color.  This year is no different. Brother gave me a recommendation on the style and my immediate question was "do the come in pink?"  And sure enough, I now have neon pink and purple running shoes!

So they're a little weird for me because you have to train your body to run differently.  But doing the research on them has me excited... because apparently they train your body to run in the proper alignment.  Better for my back and my joints.  After their maiden voyage, I'm sore in weird places (like my calves and my shins) but this is apparently normal since you're using muscles that you don't usually use.

I'm so thankful that I'm in the States for this purchase.  Cause I ordered them off amazon, but I was able to go to Dick's and try them on ahead of time.  So I could order confidently, knowing that I had the right size and that I liked the fit!  In Germany, when I order shoes online I have to just cross my fingers and hope for the best!  Also, I need to man up and admit that being pregnant made my feet a half size bigger.  I keep trying to cram my feet into little size 8's. Doesn't work.

Brother said that he read they strengthen all the muscles in your feet.  Which I'm hoping means my feet will finally stop complaining when I wear high heels periodically ;o)  And if not, then at least I have yet another bright and fun reason to keep hitting the road.  Three cheers for staying healthy!


  1. yay! I hope you like them, I really think barefoot shoes of some sort will be what I get next too. My current (practically new) sneakers make my legs hurt in weird places because there is so much heel cushioning and I am used to walking barefoot all.the.time!

    def. give a review in a few months.

    1. Good idea! But it will probably start snowing as soon as I get back to Germany ;o) so the review might have to wait a little while. I rarely run in the winter. (Maybe I'll stay motivated and go find a Mommy-room in the gym!)

  2. LOVE!!! And am excited to pick your brain on how they work! P.S. Glad your training your feet for stilettos... My shoe wall salutes you!

    1. Haha well... I highly doubt I can ever wear as sexy of shoes as you. But I can aspire, can't I?

  3. I second Emily on the review! I've heard great things about those kinds of shoes. I think it's something the hubs and I need to keep looking into and invest in if we are going to keep running.

    1. Yeah they're all the rage now. I'm just jumping on the bandwagon, so we'll see how it goes!

  4. I have these. Mine aren't as fun as yours because I bought mine as a rare find on clearance (I think I paid $35??). They're just blue, purple, and white. I love them too. I'm surprised you only grew 1/2 a size!! My feet went up a whole size, which is why I could buy Nike naked shoes for $35! 9.5 is an easy size to find on clearance!!
