Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Smooshy Faces


  1. these are so unbelievably awesome! what great blackmail for their future!! ;)

    1. Haha so true... I think my whole entire BLOG might be great blackmail material ;o) They are so going to hate me. "Hey *insert new boyfriend's name* did you ever read my blog post about Sam potty training?" LOL yeaaaaaah.

  2. what an adorable idea!!! My only question is do they want to do this to every window in the house now? Great photo op... (: and might I also compliment the wordless wednesday feature. LOVE.

    1. Good point... ironically, they did not apply that impromptu photo shoot idea to other windows. I opened their window to air out the stinky bedroom after nap and they got behind it and started being silly. (so DUH of course I ran downstairs for the camera!) And yes, wordless wednesday is super fun but NOT my original idea. I stole it from other blogs and I ain't ashamed ;o) Gives me the chance to purposely "make a picture say a thousand words" etc.

    2. Gigi also loves Wordless Wednesday (except when it includes pictures of something other than my grandchildren) They are usually included, so I'm okay with that! :o)

  3. I love these sillies - so very much!
