Friday, November 2, 2012

Birthday Trip = Aquarium

In lieu of throwing my kid a birthday party with all her friends, we took her to the aquarium.  I have an allergic reaction to the idea of spending hours of time and plenty of $$$ throwing a killer party for a bunch of tiny people who are just going to run around like crazies all night and then have epic sugar-crash meltdowns.  I'll get there... eventually.  I'm sure one day in the not too distant future I will throw my daughters amazing birthday shindigs.  But for now, my girls are just as happy to go on fun outings and then get some balloons and cupcakes.  

Lazy parenting  Simple parenting.

Anyways I've been wanting to take the girls to this aquarium ever since I heard over a year ago that there was a good one in Speyer (only an hour from us).  I'm glad we waited till now, though.  Because Lily is recently OBSESSED with fish.  And Sam can finally walk well.  Everyone wins!

These are two of Lily's favorites.  Sharks were all over the place and she was pretty excited about that.  And then, of course, the cast of Finding Nemo was there.  She almost peed her pants with excitement over the "DORI FISH!"  

Jesse was a cool Dad and went into the gift shop in stealth mode so he could surprise her the next day with a birthday present of a seahorse and a "Nemo fish".

These were two of my favorites.  Those turtles were just the littlest cutest things in the whole wide world!!!  It kind of made me want to get a turtle.  Till I remembered that a pet means one more being to clean up after.  So never mind that.  I'll just take a picture instead ;o)

It's so fun as a parent when you get to show your kids something AMAZING that you know they'll love! I think I was more excited about the aquarium trip than she was!  It was so great!


  1. I think you are wise to wait awhile to have parties with a bunch of friends - - stick with family till they're old enough to remember! Do you remember your 3rd b-day party? I think that was the one you got your first bike (w/training wheels)- and broke your collar bone riding it (falling off it?) later that evening!

    1. Nope. Don't remember a blessed thing about that. In fact, I don't think I have any actual birthday party memories until the roller skating party (how old?). Man that was a fun one. Cool mom points to you! Anyways, yeah. I've seen too many friends stressing out about pint-sized kid-parties. No thanks ;o) Mommy doesn't need one more party to plan! PS I love you and I so wish you could have been there with us for cupcakes and "tea time".

    2. wow - I think roller skating was 7 - - def. after you started school but before we moved in 2nd grade! and ps - awww - miss you!

  2. That aquarium was pretty cool, loved the sea turtle! :)

  3. What a fun trip! And beautiful pictures yet again. :) Haha, I think we might be getting SM a fish for Christmas because likewise he is fish obsessed (hard to believe, I know).

    1. Look at you taking the pet plunge! He'll love it!
