Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Quantity vs. Quality vs. Time in the Busy Momma's Day

This is for all my regulars: moms, dads, sisters, brothers, faithful friends who check the good old blog out on a daily basis...

Just a head's up that I'm going to try to post a little less often.  I usually aim for 5-6 times a week.  And I typically never run out of things to say (ha! story of my life).  But I'm experiencing that age-old-Jessica-struggle of finding balance. And if I take my posting down to 3-4 times a week I'll have a little more time to do other things in the morning.

For example, this morning I was up at 5am to eat a small breakfast, drink a huge cup of coffee, read the bible and my book, journal, pray, etc.  By then it was 6am and I decided that a short yoga workout and shower before the girls woke up sounded better than internet time.

I sure do love my internet time.  But I also love my exercise time.  Or my leisurely reading time.  Or my crafting time. And if I blog a little less often I'll probably be in a more balanced place.

Don't worry Mom.  I'll try to compensate by posting pics of the grandgirls on facebook more regularly throughout the week.

LOVE YOU ALL!  And thanks for reading.  I would still love blogging even if it was only my family reading :o)  Everyone else is just icing on the cake.  Miss you guys...


  1. Dear Jess,
    While I love to read your posts nearly every day and very much look forward to seeing pictures (of the girls, especially), I'm okay with this decision and will not complain if you don't blog every single day . . . I know your Dad was the one who gave the balance speech most often, but I never disagreed with the balance speech - or with how important it is to have balance in everything we do! I love you a whole bunch, and I look forward to hearing from you and about your life, just not as often!

    1. I think I was the child that had the hardest time applying Dad's speech ;o) Maybe it's because I'm an over-achiever, but I often find myself swamped with too much going on! Hopefully someday I'll "balance out"? Haha.

  2. Good decision! Still trying to work on the balance thing myself. :)

    1. It's so hard with little kids! Toddlers are crazy, man! I feel like I'm constantly treading water just to keep up with everything.

  3. this is exactly why I only post once a week or so. Any less and I'll get out of the habit and let months go by. much more and the internet takes over my life. My goal is one hour of internet time (not counting the tv I watch with DH) and that seems to be the right amount. Now if I could be as regular about devotions...

    1. Yep. There are some days when it actually feels so refreshing to unplug. The morning seems to go more smooth... because I know that if I open up the internet I'll get sucked into a bunch of messages that need to be responded to or a bunch of this or that to look at. Plus blogging. If I don't even get online I have the "out" of "oh sorry, I haven't been online yet today so I didn't get that message" ;o) Ah, balance. It's so hard!
