Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tree Day 2012

There she is!  This year's big bundle of Christmas sparkle!  Because last year's Tree Day was kind of chaotic and stressful, I made sure to plan the sucker out better this year.  I knew exactly when the base tree stand was going to be open, which meant we'd be able to get a less expensive tree.

And I already had the Tree Day treat ready to go, which meant we could easily do Tree Day the day after a very busy Thanksgiving.  I love it when a good plan comes together!  Ideally, I love to get the tree up on Black Friday, which is what my family always did instead of hitting the stores.

So we bundled up the Monkeys and headed to base.  Sam was more excited about the pine cones than anything else! We were a little disappointed with the trees... none of our options here in Germany these past two years have thrilled us.  I think it's because I'm so spoiled by NY tree farms.  Thanks a lot New York.

When we finally picked out THE ONE, we strapped that sucker to the top of the car (without locking ourselves out of the car... a story that will live in Tree Day infamy) and headed home for hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls!  The girls were beside themselves with glee!

So we listened to music, decked the halls, dreamed by the fire, and let the girls put a few ornaments up before bed.  I use the term "put ornaments up" loosely.  They are three and two years old, after all.  

Once the girls were asleep J and I finished up the decorating while watching The Polar Express, which he's never seen all the way through!  I tear up every time when the REAL Santa comes out for the elves and kids to see... but I'm noticing an obnoxious trend of me crying at pretty much every movie I ever watch.  So apparently I'm just a tear-prone-pansy when it comes to movies.

But it was so nice to reminisce together as we hung up our favorite ornaments.  We still need one from Germany.  I'll be on the prowl at the Christmas Markets.  I also need to put "make/buy a tree skirt" on my to-do list someday.  And some better decorations for the fireplace wouldn't hurt!

Everything is just so sparkly!  We even hung a strand of colored lights up along our windows!  Lily asks every morning if she can "see her tree lights" :o)

There is nothing like this time of year.  I love it so much!  Let the sugar and family traditions and cozy nights by the twinkly lights begin!


  1. This post makes me love you and your family that much more.... It all looks so Christmasy!!! And the hot chocolate is awesome!!!! I think I'm gonna havta make the cinnamon rolls at our house this week!!! And I love your tree. Pretty sure it's perfect!!! Happy Holidays friend!!

  2. Beautiful!!!! I know you won't believe this, but we didn't *always* put up the tree on Black Friday . . . usually the weekend after Thanksgiving, but I'd say less than half the time on Friday! The other thing you won't believe: we don't have a tree up YET! Between the fact that your middle siblings went hiking on Sat. and the kitchen project going on (and on and on), I don't really have that much motivation to get that done! I'm still planning to 'deck the halls' this week/weekend, but that's not going to take very long with only one room to deck! I wonder how stir-crazy I'll feel if I wait till B gets home on break to put the tree up!?!?

    1. Sacrilege. I have an INFALLIBLE memory of my childhood ;o) and we ALWAYS put the tree up on Black Friday. Pssssht. Anyways, you are not allowed to wait until B comes home to get your house decorated. I want to see pictures well before then! Plus, she needs to "come home for Christmas" all ready to go! LOVE YOU.

  3. Looks great! We haven't decided what we are doing tree wise with four little grabby hands around.

    1. Yeah. Trees and kids are kind of NOT a match made in Christmas heaven. But we make it work.

  4. you are such an inspiration always. annd I love the things you do for those girls. I hope they know how lucky they are.

    1. Haha thanks. They don't ;o) But maybe someday they will. Love you miss you.

  5. Great photos! (as usual)

    I always love picking out Christmas trees... though it probably will be awhile before we get ours.

    1. Thanks! Do you guys cut yours down? (I'm super jealous if so!)

  6. I love your tree and decorations...and seeing your Biloxi ornament makes me miss you a lot! I'm glad to hear that you had a great tree experience this year.

    P.S. are you wearing a white pea coat? Did you know that I have one too??!! Love you friend! :)

    1. WHAT? We are obnoxiously the same! ;o) And thanks for getting us that ornament. I will treasure it forever.

    2. Oh, and another P.S...An idea for your tree skirt dilemma...This year I threw some burlap around the bottom of our tree. I intend to fancy it up for next year, but it looked okay with it just kind of thrown around the bottom.

    3. Good idea! That would look much better than my nothingness ;o)
