Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bright Birthday Scrambled Eggies


The Birthday Girl had a fantastic day!  I think.  I mean, when you're two years old and there is any sort of day involving balloons and sugar, I don't see how it can't be the best. day. ever.

We did most of the traditions I mentioned after Lily's birthday, but I added a fun twist to our birthday breakfast... colored eggs! (thanks for the idea Leah!)

I put three eggs in each bowl (four people were eating) and added a decent amount of gel food coloring.  Whisked with a fork and then grabbed the other adult set of hands (thanks Kirsten!) to simultaneously pour all three colors in at once. (Make sure to oil and heat your pan first!)  Then I covered it and waited a few minutes for the colors to set a little before I started scrambling... I wanted the colors to stay as separate as possible.   Make sure you have the heat low. It takes longer this way, but it prevents your eggs from burning and I hear that real egg nerds claim it makes for a less rubbery scramble.  Once the eggs were starting to set I scrambled in each color section before mixing them all together.

It was kind of like eating play dough.  Which was probably a bit confusing for Sam since she's always getting into trouble for trying to sneak a taste during play dough time ;o)  But they tasted like regular old eggs and they looked fantastic next to the Fairy Bread!

A big thanks for all the well-wishes, cupcakes (by Kirsten), and presents.  We have the best collection of friends and family a two-year-old could ask for!


  1. Love the picture of the breakfast!! It turned out PERFECT!!!! Your kids have to feel SO loved. (:

    1. Haha I hope so. If not, they'll feel loved when they grow up and can actually read my blog lol

  2. I love you and all...but I'm pretty sure I would never be able to eat colored eggs. It's looks like Sam loved them though! I can't believe how big they are both getting!

    1. She called them playdough. It was weirdness all around! And doesn't time go so fast? I mean, you saw her when she was hours old and now we can't even call her a baby anymore!
