Sunday, December 2, 2012

Felt Christmas Tree

I'm about to unveil my favorite Pinterest project EVER.  The felt Christmas tree!  I've been waiting and planning and excited to make this ever since I saw it all over Pinterest last year.

I was so excited about it that I bought the felt in August.  But that has more to do with the fact that it was the only time all year I'd be near a Hobby Lobby.  I'm not that crazy of a do-it-way-ahead-of-time Momma.  Okay maybe a little.

So this is what it looks like when Mommy puts all the ornaments up.

And this is what it looks like most of the time.  I have watched Sam.  It's like she has a personal vendetta against the tree.  She walks by and it's like she thinks "Hey.  There are some ornaments left on that sucker.  I need to remedy this." And she'll just whoosh whoosh whoosh until they're all on the floor.  Then I guess she thinks "My work here is done" and off she hops to make a mess elsewhere.  But I have also heard her recently singing a two-year-old version of "Oh Christmas Tree" so I don't think she's quite a Scrooge.  

Lily actually does like the tree.  And plays with it appropriately.  She even likes to hang the lights in a row... and she calls it "making a light choo-choo train."

The hand stitching was a little obnoxious.  But I thought it would be more durable and much cuter than using a hot glue gun.  Which I don't even own anyways.  How did I accomplish all this sewing?  I melted my kids' brains with movies while I sat on the couch between them with my needle and thread.  It really only took me about a week of working on it in my down time.  A few Pixar movies.  A couple evenings while I listened to Christmas music.  It was worth every minute!

I'm envisioning this felt tree as something Lily and Sam look forward to playing with each year.  Making it was a little nostalgic for me because my Mom made us a felt advent calendar and it had little stockings with each of our names.  It's been hung on the wall at my parents' each year for as long as I can remember.  I love the idea that our little felt tree will be a part of the girls' Christmas memories for as far back as they can remember.  

Has anyone else done this super cute Pinterest project this year?  If you run out to Hobby Lobby now and you use a hot glue gun you could seriously have this project done in a night.  It's a delightful addition to your wall.  And also seems to direct little kid fingers away from Momma's Christmas tree!

Merry Christmas!


  1. okay so at first I was being all "oh how sweet - she used some similar ideas to our advent calendar tree and put their names on their stockings and made those felt gifts" . . . and then you mentioned the advent calendar and I realized "ohmygosh - it's December 2nd and I don't have the advent calendar up yet!" argh!!!! [but then again, maybe I get a small 'pass' on this one since it always goes in the kitchen and my kitchen is currently under construction?]

    1. WHAT????? I'm starting to worry about the state of the Christmas spirit over there in the Rawleigh casa! Just cause you only have one kid at home doesn't mean you get to slack off ;o) Just kidding. You get a pass. Love you!

  2. Ohhh...I saw this on Pinterest this year and thought that I must do it next year when my kiddo is actually old enough to appreciate it! Yours turned out so cute, and I love the hand stitching. Maybe I'll head over to Hobby Lobby to get started on mine for next year. :)

  3. You DO know what a felt board is! You just made a modified version...a Christmas version! You just apply the same concept to a flat board instead a tree shape. You can buy felt story kits on amazon...or, of course, make your own!!!

    1. I think my tree would look better if I glued it to a board and leaned it against the wall... maybe next year!
