Saturday, December 8, 2012

"I Haircut My Hairs"

Lily and I took a nice walk in the snow yesterday... to Nina's to get a haircut!  

It's still a bit weird to me to realize I no longer need a stroller or ergo for this big girl.  She can walk "all by hers-self, Mom!"  It's also strange that she even needs a haircut.  I thought for sure that baldy would never grow enough hair to require scissors!

The girl has been so pumped to get a hair cut.  And she didn't even know what a haircut was!  But she knew enough to know she was excited ;o)  I was surprisingly un-emotional about the whole thing.  I mean, I'm sad to see some of those baby curls go... but I knew that her little mess of curls would be easier to manage if it were neatened up a bit.  

Especially in the back.  It's gorgeous, but a bit scraggly and unruly at times.

So she got to sit right on Momma's lap while Nina "haircut her hairs" (I love that 3yo phraseology)

It doesn't look much different from the front... just a trim and an angled bang...

...but the back is much shorter.

Nina saved me the first curl she cut :o)  
Not quite sure what to do with it, though...

Lil was pretty excited to play with the puppy ("He's KISSIN me Momma!") while I showed Nina a picture of the dress I'm wearing to the squadron Christmas party on Saturday.  She's doing my hair all fancy!  Pretty sure it's my first professional updo since Jr. prom!  Yay for being pampered!

By the time we started walking home the snow-globe-snow had really started coming down.  It was a beautiful walk with my beautiful baby.  Happy first haircut Lily-bear!


  1. Awww...So sweet! I love some of the shots that you got and her hair looks so cute! Oh, and I love that she is wearing the hat I sent! It looks really cute on her! :)

    1. Thanks! This brings up an awkward point, though... Did I ever send you a thank you note for that amazing hat? Methinks not, since I usually remember if I do those type of things. SHAME ON ME. But thanks a ton! And this also bring up another point... did I ever mention to you that I have a ginormous head for a woman? And can't usually wear women's hats? And that I passed said ginormous head on to my daughter(s)??? Yeah... that's why she's wearing your hat! LOVE YOUUUUUU!

    2. Oh no worries! I figured you were thankful. :D, I can't say that you've ever mentioned your ginormous head. :) I'm glad someone was able to make use of it though. It looks too cute on her!! Love Youuuuu too! :)

  2. omgosh - your mom just went on a super-sappy-trip-down-memory-lane! when you posted about causing the first 'blizzard' in Germany I was a) jealous b/c I want it to snow HERE! and b) trying hard to remember when it was that we dressed Lily up in several walmart bags and adult-sized socks and that coat to go outside in that big-gigantic-march-snowstorm that we got that year when you were home. it was march23,2011 and ya know what? your mom is super glad that you keep up with your blog so faithfully! love you all SO MUCH!!!

    1. Thanks Mom! That means a lot... love you too!!! (sending snowy thoughts your way!)

    2. oh and ps - I think I was given a curl from your first haircut too - - but I have no idea where it is now - - baby book?

  3. i LOVE the last picture of you two i the snow. BEAUTIFUL. I want to know how/if you edited it! Awesome entry for the blog. Love the haircut, and love both of you!!!

    1. Me, too. It's my new fave of us. I didn't do much besides brighten and sharpen things... but I did soften my skin and enhance our eyes. Totally kicks it up a notch.. can you believe it's with the point and shoot? XOXO
