Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oh Snap I Actually Kept it Simple!

I just realized the other night that I can say with honesty that I'm not stressed out this December.  I think this is the first Christmas season in a long long time that I didn't over commit myself!  

Sometimes it's hard to tell myself "no".  I'm realizing more and more that my problem isn't telling other people no, so much as saying it to myself!  There are so many things I think I should do to make the season special, but when push comes to shove the season is special because of Christ and I don't need to do do do do do in order to make it a great Christmas!  It's already wonderful!

Between two preschoolers to raise and a home to manage, I have plenty on my plate each day.  If I added even half of the amazing holiday parties, baking, crafts, events, and tradition ideas that come my way this time of year I would surely get to the end of Christmastime and say bah humbug!

Given my tendency to fill our schedule to the brim and then have a mini-meltdown (or two or three) during the holidays, I have made a conscious effort so far to choose my holiday fun carefully.  It doesn't hurt that we are down to one vehicle right now... and as much as I can get stir crazy being "cooped up" at home much of the week, it's been very helpful in keeping me rooted in our simple home life.  Christmas shopping was easy because we kept the gift list short and sweet, especially for the girls.  Which means less time spent battling crowds in the stores, less money spent, and less gift wrapping!

Sure, I've been doing plenty of crafts and Christmas activities with the girls.  We've also been thoroughly enjoying lots of Christmas movies.  And snuggling while reading Christmas books.  But part of my Advent Calendar is to do one special Christmas activity each day.  And with the quieter schedule, it has been a cinch to fit in those special memories with my girls... rather than another stressful thing on my "Christmas to-do list!"

We hosted our one annual party and I went to Kirsten's cookie swap this week.  Tonight is the squadron Christmas Party, which I am very much looking forward to because I'm using it as an excuse to be Princess for the night :o)  But the pace of the month has been pretty relaxed.  Not too many social commitments.  In fact, friends have even been willing to come visit car-less me, so I've been able to enjoy fellowship without having to take off my slippers or leave my cozy fire (thanks a million, gals!)

I even kept it simple in the holiday baking department!  As much as I LOVED making the fancy sugar cookies last year, I decided that a) they take too long and b) they aren't even Jesse's favorite kind of cookie!  So why bother?  Instead, I'll be baking two batches of Jesse fave's... which are actually super easy.  And I made one batch of ginger snap men for Kirsten's cookie swap.  Cause decorating cookies really is a fun Christmasy activity!  But only having one color glaze cut the decorating time by at least half!  I still got to indulge my creative cookie decorating whim without spending a whole day on the project!

Now, this is not a claim that I have been a perfect bundle of zen-Christmas-chill-ness.  In fact, I have a story about Lily and Sam's first snowman that I'll share soon... in which I was reminded that I can very easily take "giving the girls an awesome experience" and turn it into "make sure this first experience is perfect and DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THAT SNOWMAN!"  Balance. It's going to haunt me forever isn't it?

Please tell me I'm not the only Momma of little ones who has a tendency to irrationally think that I must. do. every. tradition. perfectly!  I mean, those little monkeys of mine wouldn't even know if Christmas came and went without mention!  They certainly won't remember that Mom didn't make those pretty cutout cookies in 2012.  Nope.  No one will remember that but me.  And I'll smile, knowing it was a good choice ;o)

Will you join me in saying "no" to unnecessary to-do's and "YES" to just enjoying your season this Season?  So maybe I didn't send out hand-crafted Christmas cards.  And maybe you didn't make hand-decorated ginger bread men.  But let's just squeeze our kiddos and give them the best of what we've got to give this year!


  1. oh snap - - mama's gonna have to tell papa to read this here blog post! He'll love saying 'I told you so' even if it's just to himself (you know he won't comment)!

    Christmas with a kitchen reno going on has been different (to say the least) - but you're right and I'm glad you're learning to say "no" and not drive yourself NUTS!!!

  2. I might have mentioned that a couple of time while you were growing up. : )

    1. Yeah... you'll probably remind me of it (or I'll think of your balance speeches) many many more times in my life ;o) Also, I'm so proud of BOTH of you... no one took the opportunity to mention the sour-cream-iced-gingerbread-men-prank!

    2. nope - actually I didn't even think about that little incident until Aunt Roxy mentioned it on FB days later when you put the pics up!

    3. I will surely never live that down ;o)

  3. I'm right there with ya, Jess! It's so hard to not want to do everything.

  4. Having 4 under 5 makes you say no...because its impossible to leave the house. Period. And you know that's not because I'm too lazy to accomplish the task. I suck at balance too. You're totally not alone. I actually do a good job of balancing around the holidays because I grew up house-hopping, but its the rest of the year that is my challenge. High energy mommies have our positives and our negatives. I think you're awesome. I miss you like crazy. I hope you end up back here so we can work on balance together. Its always more fun to work on conquering a task with someone else.

    1. Yeah you poor thing... I can't even imagine how you accomplish even half of what you do! Kudos! I would love to live near you and corral our kids together for more playdates so we can be productive I mean drink coffee and talk ;o)
