Monday, January 7, 2013

Food: One of My Favorite Details of Daily Life

"The true secret of happiness lies in the taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life."
(William Morris, quoted by Gretchen Rubin in Happier at Home )

When I read this quote I immediately thought of food... how I love to be in the kitchen creating.  The sights, smells, flavors.  The looks on people's faces when they experience something new or taste something wonderful.  I love these things.  I think that's one of the reasons I love to photograph food so much.  The pictures draw me into the moments that I love!

If I could get paid to take pictures of food I would pee my pants!  I've been itching to share these pomegranate pictures with you ever since I took them!  I was opening them up around Christmas time and I just couldn't stop myself from doing a little "pomegranate photo shoot"... because they are just so pretty!

When I got pomegranates at Christmas for everyone's stocking I literally had to consult the great youtube to figure out how to get the sucker open properly.  This is the best and easiest method I found.  Worked like a charm!

I think I've purchased, opened, and consumed one pomegranate in the last five years... mostly because the work involved (before I knew this easy method) was a bit too much in my opinion (also because I don't love the taste and crunch of the seeds that much haha!)  But my kids just loved the "pogamite" seeds... so we'll keep it a fun Christmas tradition! They are super good for us and all.  And pretty.  

Pretty food is the best food.  I hope you're able to take special interest in the details of your daily life today.  Enjoy it. Take a picture of it.  Savor it.


  1. I love the taste of pomegranates, and they look delicious too, but it took me awhile to get past the texture of the kernels or whatever they're called.

    Your foodtography looks great! You should get paid for it :)
