Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ski Trip to the Alps Did NOT Go as Well as He'd Hoped

Jesse went to the Alps this weekend for the first time.  So that was pretty cool.  

He got to see Neuschwanstein Castle.  Also pretty cool.

But he broke his right thumb on his second pass down the mountain.  NOT COOL BABE.

And then, as if I hadn't had enough heart-attack-phone-calls for one weekend, he and Chase were in a really bad car accident on their way home!  Thankfully they weren't hurt, but instead of getting home early from their trip so we could try to get J in to see the doctor's at LRMC (our US military hospital), they waited around for hours taking care of the probably totaled car, then took the train all the way home and didn't get in till well after midnight.  Super super SUPER NOT COOL!

So yesterday was a fun fun visit to the hospital for the orthopedic doctors to confirm what the German doctors in Garmisch said:  My Love needs thumb surgery.  

While we wait for the swelling to go down (he gets to spend most of the day giving us all a thumbs up) we have another appointment with the doctor tomorrow where we'll find out whether they can get him in for surgery on Friday or Monday.  

In the meantime the girls are really excited that we brought them home a new "toy" cast to play with ;o)  


  1. Ahhhhh! That sounds awful! Thumbs are one of those things you aren't thankful for until you think about how much you need them for.

    I hope he wasn't trying to drive stick with his thumb like that. I'd probably get in an accident if I did that.

    Hope you guys have a much better week!

    1. Thanks! It can really only go up from there, right? (He wasn't driving, his friend was... but they had really wintery weather and it was a cool little sports car with no weight in the back.)

  2. That looks so painful! I can't believe it. I will be keeping you & your little family in my thoughts these next few days!

  3. i won't lie... i almost ralphed at the photos of his bruised swollen fat kid hand... blech. Glad that the worst is over for you guys though. Husband is home and safe. It can only go up from here right?! (:

    1. Amen. "bruised swollen fat kid hand" hahaha yep. It's pretty gross.

  4. When I first glanced at the picture of him and Lily, I thought that they had BOTH broken their same hands! Then I read the caption. :) Praise the Lord that they were safe in the car accident. I will be continuing to pray for Jesse!

    1. haha yeah thanks... I guess I should have specified that the blue cast was from the original ER trip (only temporary) and the second "cast" was just a splint. He actually doesn't even have a cast on right now, just another splint. But at his two week checkup he'll probably get a cast for the next month. Joy.
