Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Potty Princess Update

It's official folks, we are one step closer to my much-anticipated "Good Job Jessica, You Taught Two Tiny Humans to Use the Toilet" Party.  Lily is napping without diapers now!!!  

*angel choir sings*

And you know what?  It happened just like all the smart moms in my life told me it was going to happen: exactly when Lily was ready for it to happen!  

I had started to dabble in the sticker-chart-motivation but I'm not convinced that's what got her excited.  She literally just looked at me one day and asked if she could wear panties for nap.  And I hesitated cause I'm an idiot control freak who didn't want to do extra laundry that day I wasn't sure she was ready.

But I chose to trust her and she woke up dry!  So we decided to roll with the sticker chart, but not hardcore.  The reward was going to see a movie with Daddy, which she was super excited about.  So we talked it up and got her even more excited about the popcorn-amazingness that would happen when she got ten stickers/dry naps.

Some days I forgot to let her pick out a sticker.  Some days she forgot to stay dry for her nap ;o)  But all in all I would say by the time we put that tenth sticker up this weekend she was pretty darn near trained to wear her big girl panties for naptime.  Whew.. what a relief!!!  

Potty training is such a long and complicated process.  But if there's anything I've learned about it along the way it's that it does me no good to try to force it.  And also that it doesn't matter much that I've kind of given up on cloth diapers. The hippie in me cringes so much.  But the busy mom in a busy season with a husband who has a broken thumb says, yep. Disposable diapers are awesome sometimes.  (But just so you know I still preach cloth 100% for the early years... we have literally saved thousands of dollars by doing that and I really did love those big diapy-butts!)

So now, between the two Monkeys, we're down to three diapers a day!

Good job Lily!  Thanks for giving us another excuse to go to a family movie!  (PS everyone, Hotel Transylvania was adorable!)

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