Friday, May 24, 2013

Good Times with Aunt "Bef-ing"

I think it's rained every day since Bethany got here.  But that's okay, we're not letting it get us down.  We're still having a blast and making some really great memories.

One of my favorites is that we've been working out together almost every day!  I'm not usually so motivated, but with a super fun workout partner, it's a blast!  We laugh a lot, and we're getting good exercise.  Which is important, because we're consuming a lot of bread, beer, and other German delicacies ;o)

At one point we were doing a P90X and both of us were whining and being lazy at the end until he announced "Okay, cool down time" and we both jumped up and were like WEEEEE COOL DOWN YAY and Jesse laughs from the kitchen "no, you guys aren't sisters or anything."  Like I said, lots of fun!

Another favorite memory is hearing Lily and Beth get in an arguing match... Bethany yelled at Lily for being in the trash can and Lily yelled at Bethany because she didn't recycle a cardboard toilet paper roll!  Germany has taught my kids to be recycling snobs - SCORE!

Unfortunately for Bethany, she has to learn fast or the local 3yo recycling-police will yell at her again.

And this morning we went to Globus.  And had breakfast treats.  And OF COURSE my girls needed a potty break before we did our grocery shopping.  So while I was in the big handicap/changing table bathroom with the Monkeys, Bethany decided to go down the hall to the other restroom.  Apparently she had a mini-panic-moment after she was already in the bathroom... "Wait, am I in the men's room?"  

Fear not, she remembered correctly that "Damen" is for the ladies ;o)


  1. Hahaha, are you sureee that doesn't just mean, "Da Men's room?" :) Looks like you're having fun!

  2. What was Lily-bear doing in the trash can? Like literally IN the trash can or like pulling the TP roll out of the trash can? ~~~and~~~ since you're living in Germany, maybe you've raised mini recycling Nazi's (that's what Aunt Janet used to call the recycling system when we lived in H-heads, she didn't like being 'required' to recycle and didn't like that we had to put our general trash in clear bags so people could see through them!)

    1. Haha well yeah... I try not to say the N-word in Germany ;o) but yes, we are pretty strict about it. You don't HAVE to recycle, but they intentionally make it easier and cheaper if you do. We would pay a TON more money if we threw it all away. And no Lily wasn't inside the trash can... probably didn't even touch anything nasty, just grabbed the toilet paper roll off the top.

  3. Hey There! I was randomly searching through the blog-o-sphere & stumbled upon your blog! It's always to interesting to see how the lives of childhood friends have turned out! Glad to see that you're doing well! You're girls are beautiful!

    1. Aw thanks for stopping by to say hi! I caught up on your life a little too... congrats on all the fun adventures in home-ownership-land! Best of luck to you old friend!
