Friday, May 10, 2013

Our Last German Garden!

Hey look!  Tomato plants!  In all the chaos of the past two months, I totally forgot to blog that our seedlings were started and doing splendid.  Thankfully, I didn't forget to water them.. for the most part.  So I'll go with at least I remembered that!

I planted some flowers just for fun, but I tend to kill things like that since I don't know a blessed thing about them.

We also planted cherry tomatoes, big fat tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, lettuce, dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, chives, radishes, zucchini, pole beans, and... I think that's it.  I ordered The Vegetable Gardener's Bible and it should be here soon.  I'm hoping to guess less this gardening season ;o)  

I'm also hoping to actually weed.  My kids are old enough to play in the yard while I accomplish outside chores this year. Which may lead to weeding the garden.  Or it may lead to me sitting in the sun reading a book.  I haven't decided which is more important, yet!

So we planted during Jesse's last three day weekend.  It really didn't take much to weed and turn over the soil.  After that we put up our little "tomato house" as I like to call it.  I'm curious if we'll keep doing that even back in the States.  It's definitely helpful here in Germany, but I don't know a blessed thing about the science behind it.

We are literally copying our upstairs neighbor on this.  In fact, we even copy him by spying on his tomato house to see when he plants his!  We got ours in the ground about a week after he did.  I like to think he's proud of us as he watches our garden from his living room window.  Which I know he does... they're a tad creepy like that ;o)

Speaking of proud of us, I think Lilo, Dianna, and Harold are super proud that we've kept at this whole gardening thing.  I don't think they thought we would.  Apparently their stereotype of Americans are that we aren't the gardening type. But I don't think they know what a hippie SAHM is, either.  

After we got the tomatoes in the ground I planted the rest.  I had intended to start the lettuce from seed in the house about a month ago but I forgot.  (seems to be happening a lot lately!)  So we won't have lettuce as early as we'd planned but oh well.

All in all, I'm really excited for this gardening season.   BRING ON THE FRESH TOMATOES BABY!!!


  1. it looks great! i'm sooo jealous...

    1. Are you not planting this year?

    2. have been kind of waiting for a tree to be taken down- its shading the garden- and it's prob going to be a while so still trying to figure out how to make it work.

    3. You guys kinda have your hands full with project this year ;o)

  2. I'm supposedly gonna be the main gardener this year - - we'll see how that goes (with Steph away at camp all summer, that's how it has to go!). . . however our garden isn't in yet (and we will be buying plants), but that's okay because - despite the LOVELY weather we've had so far in May, we have FROST WARNINGS for later this weekend! blah . . . NY weather!

    1. Oh goodness! Well hey, high five for being gardeners together... once Jesse helps me get it all in the ground I'm kind of on my own and like I said, I just guess ;o) We can guess together!

  3. Jess, it doesn't matter if you don't know anything about plants or gardening--what really matters is that you actually DO it! It's learn as you go--or maybe instead it should be, "learn as you grow". :o) I think you should definitely garden wherever you end up next (if you can) because there's something special in a'll be the one piece of Germany that you can take with you.

    1. Aw thanks for the encouragement! I think you're right, too, cause if success is in the eye of the beholder then I'd say we've at least had SOME produce each year. So that's something! And it's always a fun process. If I get at least a hand full of tomatoes I'm a happy camper :o)

  4. You are sooo far ahead of us! I am slightly jealous. We got such a late start this year because of all the frigid weather here in the arctic tundra! I was able to get a few seeds in the ground (early stuff like lettuce and spinach) last week and have some itty bitty tomato plants still working inside. We planted flowers too this year! I actually am getting them in the ground today! Good luck this year!!! :)
