Monday, May 20, 2013

She's Here! She's Here! She's Here!

Bethany's here!

Things are going to get weird.

But we love weird in this family!

I am so excited to have this girl all to myself for three weeks!  She started college the fall before we joined the Air Force, so I feel like I was always getting robbed of Bethany-time when I'd go back to visit since we had to squeeze visits in between college classes, breaks, and other college shenanigans.  

But this girl is officially a college grad!  So happy graduation to her and now she's in Germany with me!  WEEEEE!  The biggest thing I have missed since moving away from home is all the "sister coffee dates" we used to have.  So now it's like a sister coffee date every morning (and afternoon) as I give my French Press a workout!  I have so missed talking to this girl!

She recovers from jet-lag like a champ.  Seems like it didn't even phase her!  We have lots of fun plans... the biggest being a trip to Zurich next week :o)  

Other than that it's the usual German things... though I had a fresh pretzel waiting for her when she got of the plane, I really do need to remedy the fact that she's been in country for two whole days and hasn't seen the inside of a bakery! We're planning breakfast at Barbarossa Bäckerei this morning.  

And it looks like this whole week it's going to rain cats and dogs.  Guess we'll get to apply the German saying "no bad weather, only bad clothing" so that we don't miss out on any fun just cause it's raining!  Bundle up, get those rain jackets on, and grab your umbrellas folks!  

Lily and Sam are in 7th heaven with another set of arms to snuggle them, do "ba-yay" (ballet) with them, read to them, and take them to the bathroom to use the new soap ;o)  And Bethany's even a good sport about the fact that Lily keeps accidentally calling her "Aunt Sefny" instead of "Aunt Befing"...  crazy kids.

Welcome to Germany Beth!!!  I'm so glad you're finally here!


  1. thanks for sending me some pictures . . . love you all, wish I coulda fit in her suitcase, and can't wait to visit the bakery myself!!! keep that camera strapped to your face!

  2. Yay!!! Have fun! (Though I probably don't need to tell you that) :D
