Monday, July 1, 2013

My Favorite Soon-to-be-Senior

Here he is folks, Mr. Josh Rawleigh!  Class of 2014!  When I found out Josh and Uncle Floyd were coming to Germany to look at a college, I figured I had to ask if I could use him for some more portfolio building.

And of course he agreed because how many kids from Strasburg, PA get to have their senior photos done at a castle? Probably only this guy.  

Oh and we also got to snap some shots in a 12th Century Cistercian Monastery.  No big deal.  But extra cool and meaningful, because he's thinking of coming to Germany to study at a theological institute.  So how's that for a "personalized prop?"

Congrats on your upcoming senior year Josh!  Enjoy it!  I look forward to hearing how it goes and what you decide... especially if you do come to Germany for college.  I'm so proud of you.  And thanks for letting me take some photos!  Love and hugs from cousin Jess.


  1. even though he's all 'growed up' - he's still pretty darned cute! and I'm *pretty sure* nobody he graduates with will have senior pictures taken in Germany! know why, b/c Josh is the coolest kid EVER!

    1. Haha yeah I wanted to say "aw isn't my little cousin so adorable" but I didn't know if he'd appreciate any of those descriptions ;o) Manly and all grown up is better I suppose.
