Friday, August 30, 2013

Loving Those Little Ones | Owen's Second Birthday Shoot

I kind of feel like every photo shoot I do lately is "my favorite shoot to date" and I definitely feel this way about Owen's session.  Two-year-olds are so cool to me.  Think about it: just TWO years ago he was a squishy little blob who couldn't do anything for himself!  And now he's a walking running, talking, somewhat independent little man-in-training!

Another thing that was really fun about this shoot was just hanging out with Rachael.  Sometimes I can hardly believe my luck - that my high school bestie would marry a man in the Army and that my man would join the Air Force and that one thing would lead to another and POOF we would be back in the same area of the world.

For as long as it lasts, I'm so blessed to be in her family's life again.  Happy Birthday Owen!


  1. Awww! That little man is growing up fast!

    1. He really is quite a big guy. He's so fun to be around, too!

  2. OK, so I don't know how I missed this post, but it just made me cry... I think I'm the blessed one here!

    1. Haha well I am trying to make sure my loyal readers here know that I'm also posting pretty regularly at Jesse's Girl. So I didn't post it to facebook since I'd already shared the other blog post. But hey we can both be blessed ;o) Love you girl.
