Thursday, August 1, 2013

What's Cozy in the Winter is Refreshing in the Summer

Happy August first!!  The forecast is saying we might hit 90* today!  And since we have really awesome air conditioners in Germany just have old fashioned fans to keep us cool, we're making sure to stay hydrated.

So I thought I'd re-share my recipe for Ginger Lemon Tea and recommend it as our new favorite iced drink.  I brew it extra strong by adding double ginger, and I leave it on the counter to steep for upwards of two hours while I rush around doing other fun things.  Then I just press it out, store it in this adorably bright orange bottle I found at Globus, and add a little honey to the bottle.  (I have a funnel, and it works really well to add a few spoonfuls of honey to some warm water so it dissolves all the way, then funnel it in.)  

Bonus points for vintage straws and star shaped ice cubes!

Two random fun facts (about kids):

1.  Sometimes playing mind games with them can backfire.  i.e. when you convince them to do an awesome photo shoot by telling them you want to play a "photo shoot game"... and you accidentally make it so fun that they now ask about once a day for a photo shoot ;o)  Which is FINE except that sometimes I'm not in the mood, or I'm busy, or I'm lazy.  But alas for me and thankfully for the grandparents, I can't turn them down.  Because then they might not cooperate next time I AM in the mood!

2.  They are crazy.  I watched Lily help Sam for almost 20 minutes the other day... first she got her into the purple princess dress, then she helped her put the babies in the "backpack" carrier(s)... Which Sam of course ditched after five minutes.  But it was super cute and entertaining while it lasted.  And it was nice to get a glimpse of them WORKING TOGETHER!

I hope everyone has an awesome start to August!  Drink your tea, enjoy your kids, and soak up the sun!

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