Sunday, August 11, 2013

Why I Haven't Been Blogging

Brother's here!!!!!!!

Lots of time catching up with my one and only Brother means less time for blogging.  I'm sure y'all understand.  So many fun trails to explore, bakeries to eat at, cigars to smoke, and good conversations to have!  

I've really missed this guy... so glad to have him all to myself for two weeks!


  1. these pictures made me smile today - a lot! I love that he's there, and that you're having so much fun creating memories together. I also admit that I can't wait to be there myself! but I promise, I'm not wishing for his time to go faster! love you all!

    1. I understand your conflicted feelings.. kind of feel that way myself ;o) This is such a great summer for family visits. I'm glad you all spread them out so I have so much to look forward to! XOXO

  2. aww adorable ginger brother! Have so much fun!!
