Monday, September 9, 2013

When in Rome: Get Your Flowers from the Blumen Field

The Germans love all things fresh.  Fresh food, fresh air, and fresh flowers.  I have noticed that most villages have a Blumen (flower) field nearby... where you can go to cut some fresh flowers yourself!  I finally visited the one just outside our village a few times at the end of this summer.  The sunflowers were too much to resist!

And such a cheap thrill!

This field usually has more than just sunflowers.  But we had a dry summer so apparently the gladiolus didn't do so well.  Doesn't bother me, because the sunflowers would be my first pick, anyways!

We drive right past this field on our way in and out of town so sometimes I just stop while I'm driving.  But on one particularly beautiful day, we walked.  It took longer than I expected, but I didn't mind the exercise or extra sunshine!  

My partners in crime were very excited to be picking flowers with Momma.  It was a fun Mommy-daughter memory.  

Aren't sunflowers just so cheerful?  I should have photographed them earlier last month when they were at their peak, but I kept stopping for flowers without my camera!  Photographer fail ;o)

I got them each a mini-sunflower as we were leaving, to keep them occupied on the long walk home.  Of course only one of them survived by the end, but oh well!  Kids...

Also fun(ny) fact:  mine think that shot glasses are special mini flower vases just for them!  I guess that's fine with me... they don't really need to know what shot glasses are actually for ;o)

So yeah, nothing screams "I'm channeling my inner German" like a long walk down to the Blumen field to pick my own sunflowers!

I hope you have a sunflowery day.  Especially if you live in Germany... looks like we're in for another rainy one.  So get some yellow in your life at some point, it'll cheer you up!  

But nothing's getting me down, today... I have a few to-do's and then tomorrow morning I'm picking up my Mom, Dad, and baby sis at the airport!  YAY!

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. I'm so excited I can't even sleep!

    1. As I'm typing this, you're probably over Europe by now ;o)

  2. yay!!

    beautiful flowers- especially the two helping to pick ;)

    1. Those two are blooming quite nicely, aren't they? I'm so proud of the little ladies they're becoming!

  3. Sooo sunny! But I imagine not nearly as sunny as the sunshine that's coming your way (or already there). ;-) So glad you'll all be together again!

    1. Haha yeah I'm glad the extended family sunshine is coming because it looks like we're entering dreary fall weather already!

  4. When I get a house...or land...I'm going to create one of these. In the spring I drive by daffodils on the side of the road and wonder if they belong to anyone and if they'd miss them if I cut a few. ;) I love this idea... and all the bright pictures... and those little girls!! :) Give them love from Aunt Cassie, Cousin Zave and Baby Harper!

    1. I think daffodils on the side of the road are fair game... those suckers grow like weeds, right ;o) And can we call Harper "Baby Harper" for her whole life pleeeeease? Lily just told my mom the other day "Baby Harper isn't a baby anymore" but she still calls her "Baby Harper" haha. We also have a pair of Zavey's socks that you left and I never returned lol and Lily religiously talks about Zave every time she wears them. Miss you guys so much!

  5. What an awesome idea! Good job Germany! I drive by our sunflower fields around here and want desperately to pick some, but it's someone's crop so no dice. Our neighbors planted some beautiful sunflowers though, so at least I can see them when I look out my kitchen window! :)

    1. Yeah our neighbors have them in their gardens and they are soooooo pretty!
