Thursday, October 23, 2014

Let's Be Real - Life Lessons | Taste the Rainbow of Life

I am so so so terrible at balance. It's a constant life lesson that I get slammed in the face with on a regular basis. Something I'm always working on! 

Strangely enough, it's been helpful lately to think of colorful produce when I think of what I'm going to accomplish...

They say when you're trying to focus on getting the recommended variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet to think of eating a rainbow throughout the week. 

So you don't have to eat the rainbow every day to reap the benefits! You eat it throughout the week and you cover all those nutritional bases! 

You can take this idea a step further and apply it to what you accomplish on a daily/weekly basis.

Sure, you can't "do it all" every day without killing yourself. But you can certainly do it all if you spread it throughout the week!

It's about balance. But it's BIG PICTURE balance.

For example... I can't blog, do yoga, read to my kids for 20 minutes, do a photo shoot, study my NYIP course, cook gourmet meals, read, go on a lunch date with my husband, study German, volunteer, clean the house, connect with friends and family, and relax EVERY DAY!

But throughout the week? I totally got this!

I think this concept is an important life lesson for us all, and especially for the Moms reading (because I feel like we especially suck at cutting ourselves slack on the to-do's) - just focus on the weekly rainbow. 

You can't fit it all into each and every day! You just can't!

Some days, you're going to eat popcorn for dinner. Or not do anything productive all day. 

And you know what? 

It's totally fine. I won't judge. But you gotta stop judging yourself because you couldn't do it all today.

I want to strive to eat my fruits and veggies, but I want to enjoy the colors and flavors of junk food, too! I want to feel free to get twenty million things done in a day, but also take a day here or there to stay in my pajamas all day and read a novel! I'm just being real... it's a tough life lesson for me to learn! 

Just because the big picture is balance doesn't mean every day is supposed to be perfect! 

So does anyone else have this problem in their life? Can I get an amen? 


  1. Jess,
    I couldn't have said it better myself and well, that's why I didn't say it, you did! What a great visual you created for a pretty tough challenge---finding balance! Perhaps I can finally figure out how this whole thing looks and feels!

    Well done and said!

    1. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment Robyn! I'm sure it's one of those things I'll be chipping away at for the rest of my life... one rainbow-y week at a time ;o) Have a great day!
