Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Very Happy 5th Birthday to My Baby Girl

Happy Birthday Lily-Bear!!!

***insert typical mom-remarks about how fast time flies and how I can't believe she's already five and how I remember that face when it was five DAYS old and waaaaaa***

She was such a hoot today - I was actually in awe at her many kind remarks to Jesse and I about how awesome her special day was going!

I'm pretty sure she was the most thankful 5yo ever ;o)

And I was super pumped this year because she's old enough to actually be interviewed for her birthday ... to tell us her current favorites! 

But be warned - she was in the mood to talk in a super high voice for most of the interview AND she got super distracted a few times because I was keeping her attention by using the iPad facing her. 

Apparently it kept her attention a little too well ;o)

There really aren't words to properly express my love for this girl. 

As I look at these pictures and think about this day spent celebrating as a family, I can't help but smile. And the past five years? Now my smile's going to break my face and I'm probably going to start crying! 

I couldn't be more proud and more grateful for her. I love her budding sense of "fashion" and her silly antics. I love her laugh. I love her sensitivity. I love the way her eyes sparkle when she's excited. I love that blue is still her favorite color, followed closely by "the rainbow" (what, you didn't know that's a color?) and anything that has glitter!

She's one part girly-girl and one part tough-girl. And I can't wait to see how that continues to play out in her life.

Happy Birthday times a million to the girl who made me a Momma!


  1. I love her deliberating her favorite movie face!

    1. I know, right? It was kind of agonizing forcing the control-freak in me not to make her stop with the vanity ;o) but it was super cute!

  2. "happy birthday to us!" "I'm saying happy birthday to her, too!"
    Thank you for sharing so much of her birthday day - it is incomprehensible that she is already 5 yrs old!!!
    She certainly is a treasure :)

  3. oh Jess, remember when I called you (or did you call me?) and I said I was pregnant and you said no way me too! Then they were born a day apart... And now those sweet little peanuts are little 5 year old people?!?! Someday I hope they get to meet each other! :)

    She had me laughing out loud. Lily is so beautiful. What a lovely personality she has!

    Smiles and hugs from us to you's!

    1. I know I can hardly believe it! I think of Zeph whenever Lily's birthday rolls around. I remember being in labor and thinking of you, one day ahead of me ;o) Thanks for the kind words, I'm very proud of her! Hugs from Germany!
