Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Giveaway for Coffee Lovers Everywhere

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I hope you're having a blast with your loved ones. We sure are. We're currently preparing to get snowed in under another Cape Cod storm, but Tan is watching the kids for us to get out for awhile! (Wish her luck, cause it's only noon and we've already sugared them up significantly!)
Sorry for my absence lately, but being with family means less time for photography and blogging. But it means more time making memories... leisurely mornings drinking coffee, big dinners around tables full of your favorite faces...

And time for multiple trips to your favorite coffee shop. 

And a chance for you to win some freebies from MY favorite coffee shop!

Who wants a mug and a pound of coffee?

Soul Full Cup coffee shop in Corning, NY has generously donated two bundles for me to give away! I've been holding onto two pounds of coffee and two beautiful orange mugs to give to y'all and now I'm finally forcing my butt to sit in front of the computer long enough to launch it!

My Dad basically forced me to love coffee because he wanted his kids to drink it with him... it's such a comforting social drink.

So the smell of coffee, bacon, and eggs in the morning will forever remind me of my Dad.

And Soul Full Cup will also remind me of him, as that's where he introduced me to caramel lattes. Many a father-daughter date was had at Soul Full over the years I lived in Corning.

I remember studying there through my time at Corning Community College. And meeting up with friends. Going on dates with My Love. Sipping lattes and reading good books.

There are other great coffee shops in Corning that have a piece of my heart. But Soul Full will always be my favorite. I use my orange coffee mug on an almost daily basis.

So I want to give you a chance to enjoy the bright colors and amazing flavors of Soul Full!

Enter below to win!

I'll be randomly drawing two lucky winners on Wednesday night (EST) to be the happy recipients of a pound of coffee and an orange Soul Full mug!


Soul Full Cup is has a fabulous selection of coffee available on their website if you don't happen to be in the Corning area. Check them out here!
Amazon suggestions {affiliate links}


  1. I love that you share these sweet memories with your dad!! We're "dating" our kiddos, hoping to give them special memories. <3

    1. That's exactly right! I hope to follow his example and give my kids the same memories of dates and coffee!

  2. Aw I have so many fun memories there too thanks to you! And it's the last place I visited in Corning - with MY love when we came for your going away party. Did I ever take you to The Gryphon? That's my favorite coffee shop. Maybe we will get there together some day ❤️!

    1. You did take me to The Gryphon! I remember we made a special trip and it was a very delicious latte! I would love to go again with you some day!

  3. My heart does a little skip... I remember oh so clearly meeting Soul Full for the first time... and then countless visits following... Mmmm.... such sweet warm memories. It is so good to see it again! :)

    Say hi to the family for me and give hugs! :)

    1. Will do girl! I think I spent more time at Soul Full while you lived with us than any other time! When I was at Mom's I found some pictures of you... My favorite was one of you and B sleeping on the couch. And when we first got Brutus and he was soooooo little!

  4. oh, and how could I forget, I still sometimes dream of their coffee cake with the crumbles on top. I have NEVER had any better.

    1. Mmmm now you have me hankering for some. We'll have to try some recipes and see if we can come close!

  5. Alan and I had our first date at a coffee shop in Jamestown even though he hates coffee! I've only been to Soulful once but I enjoyed the atmosphere. I'm glad you got to have some time there while you were back in NY :).

    1. Awww so cute! Hey, you can still enjoy coffee shops even if you're drinking tea, right? (Ask my Mom!)

  6. I love sampling roasts from different small local shops. And I miss WNY, so winning some and drinking it will certainly help remind me of those college days!

    1. Or early mornings at camp when we all groggily made our way to the coffee pot before staff meeting!

  7. Duuuude!!! When I was in college in Lubbock, Texas my favorite coffee shop reminds me a lot of soulful cup... It was called sugar brown and none of their cups matched.... They always had live music and excellent scones. We would claim a great booth and whole up there for hours doing homework!

    1. Non-matching cups sound so fun! Mmmm scones. Now I need some scones!

  8. Thanks for the contest. We don't have Soul-Full here, but I'd love to try it out! I guess my favorite coffee shop is Starbucks. I know, boring.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

    1. Hey don't feel boring about loving Starbucks! I like Starbucks, too!

  9. My favorite coffee shop is a little spot downtown where I live called Better Living Through Coffee :)

    1. That is such a fabulous coffe shop name! And maybe even a life motto 😉

  10. I have honestly never been there, but would like to after your post. I have to say hazelnut is my favorite. My favorite is Dunkin though! I know it's boring, but it is.

  11. Oh man. To live within 7 minutes of four great locally owned coffee shops again. *sigh* Derrick and I had many dates there, I met friends there often, I've cried there while having hard conversations, I've laughed while sharing joys with friends, I had some mommy/daughter dates there. Such wonderful memories. Soul Full (and Heavenly Cup) are places I long to get back to when I visit Corning.

    1. Corning really does have a pretty stocked coffee shop culture!

  12. coffee makes me productive. literally. yes I am being juvenile.

    1. If you're being juvenile than I'm an absolute baby when it comes to coffee. My kids know not to bother mommy during coffee time haha!

  13. I would love to try this coffee! I'm recently getting into making my coffee at home and experimenting with new varieties. I love it!! So much better! :)
