This just in: my home cooked meals now come without a side of potentially toxic chemicals! Hippie win! When I was engaged I didn't know
I wasn't a hippie at all until we started talking about having a baby and then Jesse probably watched with horror as his favorite processed foods were replaced with homemade "stuff" and maybe a little curiosity as I started making my own cleaning solutions. Then it was all cloth diapers and hypnobirthing and who is this crazy woman and what did she do with my wife?
But replacing pots and pans is a very expensive process. So it was put on the back burner (hahahaha!) of my priority list for a long time. But over the past few months I have slowly started to replace the offending chemical coated pots and pans with new stuff. Here's what I came up with: instead of buying a large "set" of safe pots and pans that usually come with sizes I never use, I looked for how to get the most use out of the fewest number of pots and pans. This hodge-podge mix works really well if you're a minimalist. And it saved me money in the long run... because none of the sets really fit my kitchen needs. (For example, no stainless steel set comes with an enamel coated dutch oven... go figure.)
This is my Lodge Logic 12-inch cast iron skillet
I use the metal lid that came with my teflon 12-inch. I cook almost anything you can imagine in this, except I avoid acidic foods like tomato sauces since they can break down the coating of my pan. I don't usually wash it with soap... just scrape out any food particles and wipe it down with coconut oil before storage. I do use hot water and scrub it with salt if it was a particularly messy or sticky meal. It's a pretty good non-stick surface now, so I can even scramble eggs at a low temp without too much of a mess. I love how it sears meat and I love that it can also go into the oven to finish off a steak, etc. I can fry crispy potatoes, grill sandwiches, saute mushrooms, and on and on. It's a great pan.
Here we have my Cuisinart 12-quart stainless steel stockpot
I picked up this little stainless steel guy at Globus just recently. Though I need extremely large pots and pans for the majority of my cooking, I also need a small pot for reheating leftovers or making sauces. Since I don't use it every day, I didn't see the need to buy the more expensive Cuisinart pot in the small size... and I didn't need the reviews to prove it was safe stainless steel because Europe has pretty high standards for that kind of stuff. Plus it said Edelstahl (stainless steel) right on the tag!
I asked Mom and Dad for this Cuisinart stainless steel 5-1/2-quart casserole
This beauty is my new favorite addition to the kitchen. It makes me so happy to cook with a bright blue pot! This is the 6-quart Lodge Enamel Dutch Oven
So there you have it. Jessica's newest pots and pans. I've been getting along quite nicely with just these guys, but I'll keep you posted if I need to upgrade to more sizes or something really cool that I just have to have.
Not pictured: I also regularly use a baking stone (breads, pizzas, cookies) that my brother-in-law and sis-in-law gave me for Christmas one year. For use with the baking stone I have two Silpat baking mats.
And I think that concludes my "cookware review!"
what a delectable tour of your kitchen tools!
Thanks! You should come visit again and see them in person ;o)
DeleteI got the La Creuset dutch oven for Christmas from my mom and step-dad-to-be (in eggplant...I like to cook in reds or purples) and it stained too. Jeremy read the directions (why would I ever consider reading the directions OF A POT?!?) and it said that you're supposed to do a wash prior to use to avoid staining. Not sure if you did that too and it still stained, but thought I'd share.
ReplyDeleteI think I did, but maybe I didn't. Hmmm... Oh well. Cheers to stained enamel pots!
DeleteI've been recently thinking about our teflon cookware recently too. The unfortunate thing is that we got 2 sets for our wedding and one has been sitting untouched for 7 years. My frugal husband would never let me start buying new pots when "We have perfectly brand new ones sitting in our garage." However, if I start asking for things like pots for Christmas and birthdays he usually gives in. :) And, maybe I can work on selling some of the "brand new" ones!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I bought a cast iron skillet at a yard sale last summer. I used it once to make hash browns and everything completely stuck to it. I've been to nervous to use it again. Do you think there was something I did wrong, or do you think I need to suck it up and buy one that's more than $.50?
NO! Ohmygosh no your pot is probably perfect it just needs to be seasoned! I'll find you the tips for seasoning it yourself and get back to you soon, okay? Don't get rid of that sucker! XOXO
DeleteYay! I'm not a loser after all!! Another cast iron skillet question too...Can I pretty much cook everything I did on my non-stick skillet on it? Or are there certain things I shouldn't cook on it?
DeleteI'm sending you a message right now..