Monday, May 17, 2010

Going Public

Surprise! I'm about 12 weeks now. Pretty proud of myself for being such a good secret keeper. And to all the people who know me really well and know I'm a terrible secret keeper...see! I'm growing...literally :o) It looks like #2 is due end of November/early December. LJ told me the other day she's really excited to be a big sister. Okay...that's a lie. But I'm really excited to have them close together like we'd wanted! Almost irish twins! :o) You know, I just wanted to make sure I stayed busy in Mississippi!

In other news, STILL haven't heard from Jesse! He's into week two now. He'll be learning how to take care of his M16 training weapon, defensive fighting, and more basic military classes. And more yelling. Probably. Again, I really have no idea how my Love is doing...which is hard. But only 46 more days. And hopefully someday in the next week they'll let him call me! I can't wait to hear his voice again. Pray for me...every so often it gets hard. But I'm doing really well. Lily keeps me busy. And Bethany's home now so I'm not alone during the day. I can do this!

But July 4th weekend can't come fast enough!


  1. You look very thin in this photo. Well, minus the bean, of course. :) So excited for you and your growing family! You really wanted to make sure people visited you in Mississippi, huh?

  2. OOO Jess! you are a good secret keeper! :) :) and that's really awesome! :P

  3. Nicole...yep! That's exactly why we wanted to get pregnant...more visitors! ;o)

  4. Well, you better get a big house. They'll be 6 of us by then. ;)
