Thursday, May 13, 2010

Keeping Busy

This week LJ and I are staying busy by visiting Bethany in Rochester. Beth is babysitting for some friends, so I decided to add to the craziness by bringing another kid! :o) It's actually been a lot of fun so far...the Starr's have three kids (two jr. high girls and a nine year old boy) and they're very entertaining...especially for Lily. It's also really funny watching Bethany man the job of "mom" for the week. Carrie (the real mom) left her a detailed note and these kids have a super crazy schedule! So Bethany's been shuttling kids around to soccer, kick-boxing, concerts, and other things all week. It's especially funny to watch her enforce bedtimes! :o)

Yesterday Bethany and I got supplies for baking cookies and muffins...we made the yummy cookies last night and are planning to make the muffins today. I'm really excited about lemon-blueberry muffins cause I haven't had them in FOREVER! And the cookies turned out sooooo cute. We made Jam Thumbprint cookies, which were surprisingly easy for how fancy they look. And we decided that they're basically like toast with jelly so we also ate them for breakfast today :o)

Bethany's on the way to Wegman's for a few things and then to Coldstone Creamery for some super yummy ice cream for our super healthy lunch. I better go because I'm supposed to be showered and ready for the day by the time she gets back so we can enjoy our ice cream before LJ wakes up from her nap...then we're off to see this cool cemetery she's been wanting to take me to.

Still no word from Jesse. I have my phone with me constantly but I'm still nervous that I'll somehow miss the call! Sniff sniff. It'll be okay. I'll hear from him eventually. I can't wait! :o)


  1. sounds like fun but come home soon and make cookies with me too.

  2. We're probably coming home tomorrow night. I think I see lots of sister baking projects in our future! ;o)
