Saturday, August 7, 2010

243 Mc Narney Drive

Hi from Mississippi! I just wanted to post briefly to let y'all know we're here and enjoying the south! ;o) As my mom says, "it's hotter than hades down here!" but so far it's been great. Our plane trip down was as good as can be expected for traveling so far. Dad and Mom had a good drive in the truck. We had some strong young AF backs to help with the move, and room by room things are looking less like a disaster in here! I LOVE the house! And of course, I'm loving being with Jesse again!!!

We'll have internet early next week so I'll post more details (and pics!) later!


  1. Great! Hey, how about the rest of the address for mailing purposes?! Love you guys...

  2. Can't wait for you to get the internets. :) Glad everything is going great.

  3. I'm glad you made the pics of your house on FB! I finally bookmarked your blog so I can keep track of you now...muhaha!
