Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Dear Corning, I love you! It has been a wonderful, what...6 years or so? You and I really got acquainted my junior year of high school, and we've been through a lot together since then! My family found a great church, met some amazing friends, and moved to you so we could be close to all of that! And then I met my soon-to-be-husband, and got engaged shortly after I graduated from your community college! Jesse and I have a ton of great memories thanks to you...he asked me out in the Wegman's cafe, we had tons of fun dates at your cool restaurants and parks, and we got married in one of your churches! Our first two apartments were great...I will miss the cozy neighborhood of Apt #2 in South Corning! I will miss Wegman's. I will miss Peaches-n-Cream. I will miss the hills that surround you. And most of all, I will miss my family that still lives with you. Sniff sniff. You've been good to me Corning...Love you! I'll think of you often as I start my new life in Mississippi! Love, Jessica


  1. Aw! I'll miss you Jessica! *waves goodbye to you and Lilly* that is such a cute picture!


  2. Great blog, my dear. We will all miss you up north. I'll be praying for you (Jesse, Lily and your parents, too) through the adjustment period.

  3. Jessica....so sad that we were out of town when you left. But we are SO glad that you are reunited with Jesse. Can't imagine the bliss....well, actually I can because Lisa and I were separated by 9,000 miles for over a year!! Well, can't wait until you come back to visit. I will be following your adventures here and on FB. So glad that we know you and your wonderful family.


    The Perls
