Monday, October 25, 2010

Cast Your Vote!!!

And I'm not talking about the what you want there :o)

I mean, on where we should choose to live if we're given the choice: Germany or Hawaii?

Germany: It's in Europe. How cool would that be? :o) We'll probably never get that opportunity again. Um,'s in Europe!!! I don't even want to think about the cost of plane tickets to be able to see family...gah... Everyone we've talked to that lived there has loved it. We might even be able to pick up the language! And vacation in super cool places. And eat really yummy food!

Hawaii: Hello! It's Hawaii! But, as far as plane tickets's still on the other end of the world from family. And the people we've talked to who lived there are torn. Apparently you *can* get bored of living on an island (pfffft please!) and I guess if you aren't into tourist-y things it can get especially boring after awhile.'s...HAWAII!!!

So we're just curious...IF we get a choice between the two, we aren't really sure which we'd want to pick! What do you think?

Cast your vote in the comments section or shoot us an email, fb message, or text! :o)

I have this sinking feeling that we'll get stuck in Louisiana, though...just because that's the only base option I definitely DON'T want! :o) The other options would be South Carolina, Arizona, Illinois, and...there might be another one. Can't remember. South Carolina is our backup choice if Germany and Hawaii aren't on the list...mostly cause it's east coast, closest to family, and people like the base.

So let me know what you think!


  1. Germany. . .come on it's in Europe!

  2. I refuse to vote on the grounds that either option is horrible for me! South Carolina is a relatively easy drive - - yup, keep my grand daughters as close as possible!

  3. Bryan lived in Hawaii for 3 years and he said he got bored. There's not much to do other than go to the beach...all the time...every day. :o)However, if I had the choice I think I would be equally stuck! Good luck!!! (When do you guys find out where you will be?)

  4. What no base in MA?! :)
    When I read this yesterday, I couldn't even respond because, well, just the thought of you all being so far away was a little (read 'very') overwhelming. So. Carolina, of course!! Then I rationalized that I wouldn't want you guys to miss the excitement of new and rather exotic destinations. Then, I decided closer is always better!! Then I thought, it's a good thing the decision is not up to me - I would vote you stay close and then I would feel guilty about it!! ARGH!!!
    Since then, I've concluded that where God lands you on this "awesome AF adventure" is the best place... "The steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord..." and since He got you into this, He has a plan to take you through it - for your good and for His glory.
    [though I must confess as i type i'm crying and hoping that those ordered steps are not so far away :)

  5. 1. Germany 2. South Carolina. I think it would be nice to visit Hawaii for a week or so. Not a fun place to be for an extended time.

  6. The above comment is me.. not sure why it signed me in as Derrick....

  7. This just in: Germany is cold. It would be the farthest north we've ever lived. But I do like snow and bundling up and being cozy. But I don't like being stuck indoors...especially with little girls. We wouldn't have any cooped up feelings in Hawaii. Oh decisions, decisions! :o)

  8. LOL "This just in" - Now we know where *you* want to go ;) At least today! haha... I was leaning toward Germany over Hawaii, because from the one semester I took in college, it sounds like a fun culture. I don't know if I'd be up for actually living in tropical weather, just vacationing there... and I would miss the white Christmases far too much! But, it IS Hawaii. I like your MIL's answer. :) I forget, how permanently would you be stationed? Like, indefinitely?...

  9. But if you picked Hawaii, then PJ and I would have to pick that for our Summer 2012 Kid-Free Vacation spot!! :D

  10. Summer 2012 Kid-Free Vacation, eh? Sounds amazing! Um, but if you come visit us, it won't be kid-free! ;o) And yeah, I'm still clueless about where I want to go. I think Jesse is leaning more toward Germany. Today.

  11. Wow...rough choice. I would be with Linda and pick SC since I'm a homebody :P Germany sounds cool too, but that would be hard with all that postmodernism, especially with how it would affect the church...but God knows where you are going, and he will always be faithful and provide! I'm excited to see where you end up!

  12. I think in my humble opinion... Germany would be my choice. The culuture from what I know is fantastic, a girl I went to High School with lived over there and she really loved it.
