Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Homemade Yogurt

Try #3 yesterday. This time I did crock pot yogurt and was very excited because it seemed much easier...so how could I mess it up, right? :o)

Well, after carefully following all instructions I excitedly lifted the lid at 10pm last night to find...yogurt-y milk. Again. Blech.

One can only take so many failures here! Apparently I'm cursed to always have to buy yogurt! :o) Cause I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong!! (Hilary, what do you think?? Since it worked for you...on your first try...you jerk!)

I just wanted a cheaper way to get us that probiotic yummy goodness every day! Lily and I could easily go through two tubs a week. And I guess it's worth the price...it's our main source of dairy and it's super yummy and good. We eat it at breakfast and sometimes at lunch. And I'm learning that I even like it with some salt and pepper and spices as a healthy ranch substitute for my salads and veggie dips. (I'm a ranch freak!) OH, and the yogurt cheese stuff I made worked great as a substitute for ricotta cheese in a pasta dish I made last week! Jesse didn't even notice till I mentioned it to him! :o) That was a skillish suggestion from Katie Kimball at Kitchen Stewardship on how to use the yogurt cheese. I also used up all the whey I made. So I'd love to make more whey and cheese. But I'm down to half a tub and it's only Tuesday folks! :o( So I either have to run out for more or be patient...sigh...

In other news: Jesse is coming down with a cold, so I'm going to make him some chicken soup. I've been forcing him to drink tea with raw honey. And I'll probably make him go to bed early tonight ;o) He's got a pretty important PT evaluation next week. Things are busy at the squadron, too. Especially since he's only one of three "senior Ropes" right now. They need more guys to step up. In the meantime, he's being a hero and picking up the slack...plus being in charge of all the SepRats. Oh, and everyone at the base is on edge this week because they're having a big inspection to make sure the base is performing it's duties according to AF standards. Sounds like fun, eh? But it's a short week. Hopefully it'll go by fast for him. And hopefully he won't get too sick!


  1. Don't be too jealous! The crock pot yogurt has to sit and be drained (like you do to get curds and whey now), but just let it sit in the fridge for about 4 hours. Check it and it should be nice and thick! That's how I made it work!

    I have SO MUCH whey!! I was about to make a trip out to this young amish couple who just got a pig so I could unload some on them and free up some space in my fridge. What are you doing with it all???

    Have you made the curry lentil bread in our book yet? DO IT!! It's amazing!!

  2. First, sorry your yogurt failed :(
    Second, I would probably choose Germany. But all that vitamin D exposure in Hawaii is nice too. :) Definitely a big decision for you guys.

  3. Mattea, it's okay...I'm not too heartbroken! ;o)

    Hilary, I used mine in soups, oatmeal, smoothies, etc. A tablespoon or so. I really want to try a lacto-fermented condiment or side (the recipes I have in Nourishing Traditions use whey). Maybe we should do that as one of our recipes? And the curry lentil bread is dog-eared in my book, but yet-to-be-tried. It sounds SO GOOD!
