Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Cadbury!!!

WHY oh WHY did I not know until this Christmas that Cadbury puts these suckers out? I thought the deliciousness was only available at Easter...when Jesse and I pound down, oh, four bags each! I just love these things. LOVE EM! I happened upon them in the Commissary and can only find them there...which is where I sent Jesse for a few groceries (that could have been picked up at any of the grocery stores that are closer!) just so that he could also get me these! Mmmm.


  1. I'm pretty sure that I have never seen them before either - - are they like mini eggs?!?!?! If so, please make sure you have PLENTY on hand next week!

  2. Those are new to me too, and the Easter ones are TOTALLY my favorites!!! I wonder if they have them here too??

  3. Good heavens! I'm seriously debating going out to Wegmans or Walmart right. this. second. Self control... self control.... :)

  4. They are just like the mini eggs, except they aren't eggs :o) We'll definitely put them on our shopping list!

  5. Oh, and Nicole...yeah we've totally downed a bag in about a day already! Yikes. The only thing that's keeping me from feeling guilty is that they're so limited-time. Good thing they aren't available year round or I'd be in trouble! :o)
