Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Laundry Time

In preparation for Jesse taking the washer to the fix-it-dude, I did a load of laundry on Sunday night. Apparently this wasn't I'm now getting started on the gazillions of loads that it's going to take me to catch up! IN ONLY THREE DAYS! :o) So I'm realizing that I'm going to be doing at *least* a load a day now...scratch that, two loads a load of diapers a day. But let me tell you what, I've never been happier to see a working washer! We're on our last of all the important things around here: swaddling blankets, burp cloths, undies, nursing tanks. AND Sam barfed on my sheets last night so I want to get those washed. AND I can finally bust out the cloth diapers and say goodbye to the seemingly endless (and expensive!!) full trash bags of dirty disposables! YAY! (I know, I'm a freak...excited about doing laundry...even diaper laundry!) Let the marathon begin! :o)


  1. Oh, also, it was a cheap fix...just had to give Chase some gas money! Fix-it-guy just replaced a spring and called it good!

  2. YAY! That's awesome! Laundry is great.

  3. That's *ALL*? lol You'll look back at that "small" pile some day and laugh. ;) What was once my favorite, well, least despised chore is now my most dreaded. I'd rather scrub my bathroom down with a toothbrush than wash, fold, and put away my laundry. But, I (try to) do it for my family. It may not get folded or put away, but it's clean... in the various baskets. lol I'm trying...

  4. Yeah...I actually do like laundry! ;o) I think it's just so nice to have fresh, clean clothes! And hey, don't pick on me...5 loads in three days is a lot to get used to! How many do you do a day?

  5. *thinking* 3. Depending on what kind of spitting up Allie did that day, sometimes 4. I'll be sad when I don't have so much. For that will mean my babies are growing!

  6. Three or four! Oy vey! Kudos for having a good attitude friend.
