Thursday, December 16, 2010

Flying Solo

This morning, at 4:35am, my extra pair of hands went to school. And I did not melt into a puddle of tears. Accomplishment #1. SJ woke up earlier than usual...of course ;o) But I was able to snag 20 minutes of coffee and Bible time after she went down for her first nap and before LJ woke up for breakfast. A GREAT way to start the day. Accomplishment #2. Then I reminded myself to take a deep breath and let go of any expectations I have for the day...if we all make it through without major meltdowns, it'll be a good day! Accomplishment #3 (mostly this is an accomplishment because I tend to over-plan and get upset when my plans don't work out...which is *bound* to happen with a 13 month old and a 2 week old in one house!). So yeah, no expectations. I'm definitely going to miss Jesse, though!

If we get *some* laundry folded and put away, that would be cool! (No expectations, though!) ;o)

"I can help, Momma."

"I know you can, Love-Buggie."

"No, really, I've got your back! I'll sort and fold the socks!"

"It's gonna be okay, Momma. Daddy will be home before you know it. And we'll all be fine!"

"Even if things get a little crazy at times!"

Three Aiduk girls signing off...mostly cause the two smallest ones are both asleep and this one should probably go lay down and rest, too! ;o)


  1. Momma Jess- you make me laugh out loud and cry all at the same time =) beautiful pics they have the best little girl expressions in the world (hey, btw, the coffee/scripture one is pretty artsy)

  2. Why thank you ma'am! I'm trying to work on my mad picture taking skills! ;o)

  3. Jess, I just have to tell you - God has been using you and this blog of yours so much lately to calm my fears about having two... and to remind me that there are so many tender moments to come (like I see in your pics) that will make all the hormones and tears and sleep deprivation worth it! (Seriously - how precious is a big sis with a little sis?! *sniff* I'm so excited!) Thanks for yet another reminder that with God (and coffee) us mommies can do all things - even if that's just to survive! :)
    Thankful for your example. <3

  4. Aww Em I'm so glad I can be an encouragement! And thanks for passing the encouragement on! Love you girl! You'll do so great...I can't wait to hear about and see your two little girl babies!

  5. you are amazing - that is all i have to say. 1 kid is cute, that's what i've decided. and two in a span of 13 months....that's brave and impressive hahaha. glad you got to snag those 20 precious minutes!
