Monday, June 20, 2011

Frühlingfest Part 1

Frühling = Spring
Frühlingfest = Otterberg's celebration of Spring.  They do it every two years.  It's a whole weekend event!  

Part 1 was a party Saturday night.  Here are the girlies... they were not actually as grumpy as they look... well, maybe Sam, but not Lily ;o) 
We walked downtown (less than 5 minutes) where it seemed like EVERYONE was gathered in front of the church.  Seriously... we didn't run into a single person on our walk down and it was super quite on all the side streets!  We ate dinner at one of the restaurants and we sat outside so we could see all the goings-on.  They had beer tents all around the courtyard... people were just walking around with big glass mugs of beer (or would that be steins?).  So German! :o)  It was a very friendly atmosphere... quite a few people chatted with us... or tried to.  Only one of them spoke any English :o)

Here's the church... I've heard it called the abbey?  Wikipedia tells me that it was built in the 12th century and is the second largest abbey church in our state!  I'm skeptical about Wikipedia's report that it is shared by both the Catholic and Protestant church communities... I'll have to dig into this more.  Anyways, it's beautiful on the outside and I'm itching to find out if you can tour the inside, too! :o)

So anyways, we watched all the Germans drink and laugh and dance and eat and have a blast.  We (meaning me) got a little cold and didn't end up staying too late... 

...we needed to go home and get our beauty sleep anyways... because Part 2 was going to be a long day!

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