Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Very Cherry Adventure

I bumped into Lilo yesterday morning... she was carrying a plate of fresh-picked cherries from her tree.  And she insisted that I help her harvest them!  *Well* she definitely didn't have to tell me *that* twice! ;o)

So I took LJ out for a cherry picking lesson.  The tree is short, so it's perfect cause she can reach them all on her own!  The only hard part was trying to stop her from popping them into her mouth... you try explaining to a toddler that there's a pit in there that Momma has to bite and spit out first and NOYOUCANTJUSTGRABTHEPITANDEATIT!

"What's a pit, Momma?"

"Maybe if she turns away I can pop this sucker in my mouth..."

I sat her on the counter while I prepped them for our weekly batch of muffins... she was constantly signing "more" ;o) 

Fresh, free cherries?  YES PLEASE and thanks so much Lilo!


  1. It looks like she had a blast, and I'm sure she LOVED them!!! How does her diaper look today!?!?!?

  2. YUM! Those muffins look great!
