Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hippie First Aid

This little Peanut is having some serious dry skin problems.  It's kind of a weird time for it to flare up like this... it very well could be eczema.  But we don't go to the doctor often ever.  So I haven't really asked for anyone's professional opinion.  I just know she has dry itchy patches of skin.  And that I was treating it with Vaseline for about three weeks with no success.

So I decided it was time to switch to some of the more natural methods I know.  Lavender essential oil and coconut oil seem to work well.  But it wasn't enough for these tough patches.  In fact, Lily had (maybe accidentally, maybe on purpose) scratched one during the night and it became a bit of an open sore.

So we got serious with some ghetto first aid bandages and some honey.  I even ran out of medical tape and was too lazy frugal to go to the store for more so I just used scotch tape.  Nice, eh?

Raw honey has some serious healing powers.  It's antibacterial and promotes healing on all sorts of cuts, scrapes, and even burns.  (I haven't tried the burns, yet, but I hear it works great)  So I was using the Italian honey that I can buy at the Commissary...

...but then my new hippie friend Leah gave me THIS GLORIOUS STUFF that is not only raw, but unfiltered AND local.  She gets it right down the road from her house and it's way cheaper than the stuff I was buying!  PS: unfiltered = more of the good stuff in it.

So, seriously people.  After about two days of this new honey on her arms at night I was only treating that open wound on the inside of her elbow.  And even that was almost completely healed in three days!  Now it's just dry skin that I'm treating with the coconut oil and lavender.

You know you're a hippie when you put honey on your kids' boo-boos!

Stay tuned for more "weird things Jessica does" in the hippie realm.  I'm going to try to make homemade lotion soon.  And I'm going to revamp my homemade deodorant.  Oh oh oh and I'm going to start doing more with essential oils.  Aaaaand I really need to tell you about my rotten vegetables.  All this and more coming soon to a blog near you... as soon as I can get around to it ;o)


  1. Eczema usually means an allergy. Common ones are gluten, dairy, nuts, and mold from plant life. Allie has it on her legs, cheeks, arms, and lower back. We noticed an improvement when we removed gluten and dairy. It's so dang hard though! It's easier (for me) to treat the symptom rather than the cause. Allie loves her some cheese. I could see if she'd like goat cheese since our bodies break down the proteins in goat milk better...Hm...Anyways, hope little Lily doesn't get anymore open sores and that it just goes away!

    1. What is the actual definition of eczema? I have never really looked into it... so I wouldn't know if that's what it is and if I should get as serious as changing her diet. Hmmm.

  2. I'm a big fan of manuka honey for all sorts of skin issues.

  3. I love your cross outs! :) My little guy has Eczema too...the doc's solution is steroid, I don't think so! It's weird because it comes and goes and sometimes it gets really bad. The thing that seems to works best for him is switching whatever I put on him. It's almost like his body gets used to it or something. I'll be using the shea butter with coconut oil and it will go well for a while and then I'll need to switch to vasaline or aquaphore.

    I never thought about it being an underlying allergy though...hmm...maybe I'll have to keep more careful track of what he eats or is exposed to.

    I also didn't realize you could use honey for booboos! Thanks for enlightening me. I may have to try that the next time he breaks one open!

    1. Yeah Lily's comes and goes, too. So I'm skeptical that it's food related. But you never know! PS the cross outs are a new thing I figured out... it wasn't that hard, it's called the "strike through" button and it's near the bold and italics options. Happy crossing out :o)

    2. I can't wait to try it! Both the honey and the crossing out! :)

    3. Hehe awesome. I love you. AND miss you!

  4. crossing out is fun. mimics the mental rewording I go through every time I try to type my thoughts!

    if you google "hard lotion bar" there are a bunch of recipes/links that talk about how hard lotion bars ( is the one I see linked most often) help ppl. with skin issues because it stays on their skin longer than regular lotions. might help?

    my summer deodorant has lemongrass in it because it repels bugs. so far I like it! Wish I had grapefruit oil to add, but maybe next time.

    hooray for crunchy friends.

    1. We are such kindred spirits. I love that you have "summer deodorant". So. awesome. But I unfortunately don't have lemongrass. (note to self for my next mountain rose herb order!)
