Monday, June 25, 2012

Over the River and Through the Woods... to Oma's House We Go!

We went downstairs for an early afternoon visit to Oma's house the other day.  In classic grandmotherly fashion, she immediately offered juice and a treat ;o)

I really like visiting her and seeing how much it brightens her day.  She kept going on and on about how much bigger Sam is since our last visit... and she couldn't believe that Lily remembered where to go in the kitchen to get the juice :o)  (I was a little embarrassed that LJ just waltzed right into the kitchen for it but at least Lilo thought it was cute.)

Oma likes to give the girls their drinks in GLASSES which kind of makes me nervous... but they just love them.  And the straws of course!

And what visit to a grandmotherly figure's house is complete without some CHOCOLATE? 

So once we were all sufficiently juiced up and full of sugar, we headed upstairs for some lunch.  Then Lily turned around and RAN back to Oma to give her a great big hug!  It was the most adorable thing ever.  And I know how much it blessed Lilo... especially when Lily turned it into a game and gave her about six hugs!  Sammy even got in on the action.

Everyone had such a lovely time that I think more regular visits to see Oma are in order :o)


  1. love love love this post!

    miss miss miss my girls!

  2. with you on this Linder!
    So glad she is bringing joy to Oma- very grateful she has the opp to do that DIL!
