Tuesday, July 3, 2012

And ACTION: Lily's First Movie Theater Experience

We took Lily to see Brave yesterday.

She was just as excited about the bag of popcorn as the movie ;o)  But who can blame her?  It's a pretty awesome sized bag... she ate popcorn throughout the whole movie because she ate one piece at a time!  (And she did generously share with Mommy and Daddy... every once in a while.)

It was so fun to watch her... she was pretty quiet about the whole thing.  Mostly in awe I think.  

And the movie was pretty awesome so the parents involved were having fun, too ;o) 

Afterwards Lily and J took an extra ride up and down the escalator for fun... she got to the bottom and looked at me and said "one more Mommy" ;o) 

She snoozed in the car... dreaming of red-headed Scottish princesses and bears and big bags of popcorn I'm sure.  And she stayed asleep all the way upstairs where Daddy got her settled in for a short nap.  

It's so fun to relive the simple pleasures in life through the eyes of my baby girl(s).


  1. Hey, I'd be excited about the popcorn too!!! You go Lily!

  2. I adore this entire post because someday she will turn to you and say remember when you and dad took me to see brave? That was such an awesome day.... Precious moments... (:

    1. I know... I try to use my camera to record all of these early years for them. So they can see pretty much our every moment ;o) but also so they get to see all the special ones!

  3. so much fun! and Kristen's right- this will always be such a wonderful memory for the three of you. xxoxoxox

  4. I love ALL the pictures...but the one of Lily and the popcorn bag and then the one of her and Jesse on the escalator are priceless. :) Such a sweet post!

    1. Thanks! I really like the escalator one, too!

  5. So fun! I really like these shots!! And it looks like you all had such a great time. Fun memories! :)

    1. It was a blast. She still asks for "movie outside" and "popcorn outside" Outside = movie theater (I guess!)
