Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th and I Miss the States

Today feels so weird to me.  Mostly because Jesse is at work.  Also because I'm not doing anything "July 4th-y".

I opted out of the craziness that would be me and two girls alone at the "Rockin' 4th" celebration on base tonight.  Jesse is volunteering at the squadron's funnel cake stand.  So I just tried to imagine what it would be like to navigate through a base full of oh I don't know 50,000 people or something.  No thanks.  There wouldn't be any chance of the girls staying up till firework time anyways, and that's my favorite part!

Maybe that's why I'm feeling kind of blah today.  I want to go to a bbq and see fireworks and eat a hot dog.  But then... I also want to be with my family.  Not just the two kids I'm chillin' with all day today... but my husband.  And my Mom and Dad.  And my sisters and brother.  And our Aunts and Uncles.  I feel like July 4th celebrations were always really special but now I'm living in Germany and have two toddlers.  Those toddlers, man!  They sure do complicate things.  

(Like when they poop on my carpet.  But that's another story.  And also probably ANOTHER reason I'm feeling kind of blah today ha!)

I mean, I'm not even wearing red, white, or blue!  Or stars!  Or clean clothes!  (Still haven't quite gotten around to that post-workout shower...)

But.  As I fed, changed, and played with my kids this morning, I was thinking about the good old USA.  And being very thankful.  I went for a long walk, hung laundry, and cleaned poop out of the carpet.  And even though I'm not going to see fireworks today, I am still so thankful for a) my country and b) my season of life.  

Dear America,
Happy Birthday.  Tell my family back home that I say hi and I love them.  Thank you for the good employment that supports our little family.  And thank you for the freedoms I enjoy.  
Love, Jess
A stay at home mom who's stuck at home but still thinking happy July 4th thoughts :o) 

Happy Independence Day everyone!  Eat an extra hot dog for me!


  1. We aren't doing anything for the 4th either...Alan is going into work because he is swamped from having a week off and all of the festivities are either smack in the middle of Katie's nap time or too late in the evening too. So the extent of our festivities is listening to a few Sousa marches, Katie wearing a flag shirt and making pulled pork sandwiches for dinner :)

    1. Mmmm pulled pork. Now I want some ;o) Is it bad to say I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way? Are we doomed to never do anything fun till our kids are older haha? Oh well. Thinking of you (even though I'm about to go to bed cause my days pretty much done!)

  2. Don't worry - your family isn't having "normal" 4th of July stuff anyhow! Your mom and sisters are at camp where there will be no hot dogs(!!!!) And the nearest fireworks are at Conesus Lake - so I'm not sure we're gonna see any (good thing I saw me some fireworks at the Glass Fest!)

    BTW - - Roo and Pere are sitting with me on the 4th in Rufous's office eating bonbons and they say that 6 Rawleighs are better than the 3 Rawleighs who are here so WEEK FIVE we must get brother and dad here to PLAY at CAMP!!!!! (the more Rawleighs and Aiduks the better!)

    I love you!

  3. Yeah, I was abroad last year during the 4th and it was kind of sad. The crazy thing was, where I was staying they had fireworks practically every night, but there weren't any that day.

    1. Where were you staying that had fireworks every night? I wanna go there! Last year was pretty fun for us cause we had a July 4th BBQ on the weekend... but this year we just didn't plan it in time :o( And I think Jesse might be working nights starting this weekend anyways. Boo.

  4. remember driving home from the airport when we returned from Texas? How many fireworks were there along the way- that was so crazy! I can't imagine how challenging some days (like today) can you guys, wish we were with...

    1. Oh man I was totally thinking of that day! How neat is it that July 4th is the weekend he graduated from Basic? Love it! And love you! Can't wait to see you soon!
