Thursday, July 5, 2012

Best $2 I've Spent in Awhile

So did you know a big ball of colored rubber bands only costs $2?  Did you also know that toddlers love playing with them?  Did you also know that they smell gross and get nasty chemicals all over your hands (and their hands) and then when your little one sucks her thumb later she cries?  Oops. 

I didn't know any of this until a few days ago... but now I know!  Rubber bands are awesome!  And smelly.

Obviously any good idea I have these days comes from Pinterest.  We're working on fine motor skills here.  And also trying to sneak in some color lessons.  

The original idea I read was to have the toddler(s) put the rubber bands around a doorknob but our doors all have these weird handles and Lily can barely reach them anyways.  So I flipped a dining room chair over.  That's what I call Mommy improvisation!  I'm like... okay, what can we stick these puppies on?  And that was the best I could come up with.  Don't judge ;o)

Lily even decided that they made great bracelets and (for Sammy) anklets.  Her improvisation skills are more creative than mine!

So I'd say this activity gets 4 out of 5 stars because it was a secret educational experience and it kept them occupied for at least 6.5 minutes.  

Just kidding, it was longer than that.  At least 20 minutes of focused and fun play... and it could have gone longer had not Sammy bumped her head and had a mini meltdown.  Perhaps too close to lunch/naptime?  Or maybe she's teething?  Or maybe she's just a pansy?

We'll definitely give it another go soon.  A nice simple, fun (and cheap) activity!  


  1. very fun! and flipping the chair was a good idea. they seem pretty content...(and they don't even know they're getting smarter all the time :)

  2. great idea - - and fun, too! btw - - it's possible that if you wash the rubber bands in a sink of sudsy water, the disgusting 'flavor' will come off (maybe, just maybe)

    1. Sweet I might try that. Sounds a bit annoying to do (lay em out to dry and what-not) Oh oh oh but I could let the girls do the "washing" for me :o) Perfect, you're brilliant Mom! Now I have ANOTHER fun activity... perfect for today too cause it's rainy out. Gracias!

  3. LOVE!!!!! Way to be creative and fun super mom jess!!!! also a thought for the future if the little one won't stop sucking her thumb? (: as always, LOVE the photos.

    1. Oh man wouldn't that be so terrible but so sneaky? "Here Sammy, play with these rubber bands right before bed" And like I said, all my creative ideas come from Pinterest. But THANK YOU PINTEREST for helping me be a fun super mom :o)

  4. wait until they figure out to to fling them...

    also fun: styrofoam block from packaging+golf tees+wooden hammer (or rock. whatever).

    1. Oh nice! I'll have to keep my eye out for styrofoam with our packages!
