Friday, July 27, 2012

Fun Fact Friday: When it's Hot and Hippie Hand Drying

Happy Friday!  Fun fact #1:  There is no air conditioning in Germany.  Okay, that's a half truth.  There's not usually central air.  And most of the time your windows are built such that you can't put the good old window air conditioner units in it.  They sell standing ac units but they surely cost a fortune more than this cheap frugal couple wants to pay. Because the fact of the matter with this fun fact is that it's only truly hot in Germany for about six weeks of the year.  And as they're very energy efficient volk they probably just don't see the point of running an expensive ac unit to stay cool.  

Summer is finally here in Germany.  And instead of staying cool with air conditioning we stay cool by closing most of our rolladins around 11am and keeping them closed till almost 9pm!  Which stinks cause you don't get the sun... but if you want the sun you can frequent many of the lovely neighborhood pools in the area.  The Germans love pool time.  

Fun Fact #2:  In some German restaurants you'll find actual towels to dry your hands with and an adorable wicker laundry basket to put them in when you're done!  No paper towels OR hand dryer for these super cool Go-Green hippie Germans!  I love it!

And yes, for the sake of the blog I was just recently taking pictures in a public restroom.  You're welcome.  
(I'll never be accused of a lack of dedication... or weirdness!)


  1. will the lady bug tent fit in your suitcase when you come to the states? such a perfect shade idea for an outdoor day!!!

    1. Yep! I was thinking the same thing and it will definitely fit!
