Thursday, July 26, 2012

Growing Like Weeds, Literally and Figuratively

Here's the garden!  It's doing great!  Well, parts of it are.  The weeds are doing fantastic (shame on me... I weed about as often as I dust!) but so are the tomatoes, beans, pepper, zucchini, carrots, and herbs.

Then you have the lettuce and broccoli.  And the cucumbers.  I've had to replant them cause I'm not sure what the heck is going on.  Well, with the cucumbers I don't know what's going on... I put them in directly as seeds and only one in three whole big rows grew!   But I know what happened to the lettuce and broccoli.  I killed them.  Oops.  I left them inside too long and over-watered the crap out of them.  By the time I got them to the ground it was apparently too late for some!

I've been able to harvest a few hand fulls of tomatoes and they taste AMAZING!  And look at how much bigger they are than last year!  It kind of pains me to be going to the States before I get to fully enjoy the harvest this year.  It's weird to have done so much work and then have your husband and friends eat all the fruit of your labor.

Side note: Jesse's done more true work in the garden than I have... but still!  He broke the ground and sifted the soil (with a little help from me) and built the garden house (with a little help from Mark) but I take care of the daily chores once it's planted like pulling weeds opening the tomato house and watering the garden.  And picking ripe veggies and herbs for our favorite breakfast of tomato-basil scrambled eggs!

Not getting to see the harvest (yet) kind of reminds me of how I don't get to see the fruit of my labors with these little monkeys right away.  It seems like each day is so full of so much work.  And then you get up and do it all over again! The illusive "harvest" with children... when does it come?  Probably not for another 18 years or so, huh?

When they're all grown up and normal, healthy, functioning adults.  You know, the kind that can make ME some scrambled eggs.  The kind that don't poop in the bathtub (I'll spare you the details).  Those kind of adults.  And until they get to that point (and probably even after as most experienced Moms will warn me) I just have to keep working hard.  I'll surely see the fruit someday!

In the meantime, Dad better have some rockin' tomato plants in his garden or I'm going to be scouring the neighborhood in search of truly fresh tomatoes to enjoy!  Less than a week till I'm in America!


  1. BEAUTIFUL pics of the girls!!!! and i love your garden. It inspires me... with my little balcony plant boxes.... someday i'll be a big kid too with my own soil to sift... (: You should be super proud of your progress and all that the Lord has blessed you with! So glad it's Thursday!!!

  2. well said Kirsten!
    interesting thought about harvest time with's kind of a unique "harvest" in that it happens sometimes daily- when they unexpectedly do something kind to/for their sib or they look at you and smile (or they say something that makes you laugh like- Oh, I got bless you on my knee)- that sort of thing. xoxoxoxoxo

    1. Good point Toni! Thanks for the reminder! I think He gives us little harvests along the way as they grow... to help those long days seems easier! Cause they sure do make me laugh even though they make me pull my hair out!

  3. It looks like the stuff that's doing well in your garden is the opposite of what's doing well in ours. Our lettuce is huge and we have tons of cucumbers. The tomatos and such aren't faring so well.

    1. Do you think that this whole "tomato house" thing would work in NY/PA? Cause I've never heard of it before, but I've never seen tomato plants get this big... and you should see my upstairs neighbor's plants. Maybe I should take a few "spy pics" from my laundry room window to show you. It's intense!

  4. Well, Dad ate the first tomato yesterday and the *one bite* he let me have was delish! We've had yummy beets, but I expect those will be gone when you arrive . . . the carrots, beans, yellow squash and peas are doing great . . . we didn't plant any lettuce this year (not sure why??) and our herbs are going to need your help!

    Yup, parenting is often hard work, but there is 'fruit' along the way - - - and wonderful rewards at the end. Can't wait to SQUEEZE you and both of those girlses!!! OHMYGOODNESS - - it really is less than a week away!

    1. Oh goodness I am embarrassed to even take a picture of how my indoor herb plants are doing (cause they're pretty much dead) hehe so I hope you don't need me to offer any wisdom in the herb department. But I can't wait to eat the beans, peas, squash, and toms. And squeeze you!
