Monday, July 23, 2012

No Monday Blues for Us Today!

It's our weekend!  Today starts Jesse's three day "weekend" this month.  He's off till Wednesday!  And since the girls and I leave for the States next week, I'm going to take a little mini blog/internet break and make sure we're spending lots of great time together as a family.  Germany is cooperating with a batch of LOVELY weather so I hope it also means we'll get to spend lots of time outdoors!

Have a great day and I'll be back later this week!  


  1. cannot wait to see you. we should go to camp early and do a lunchtime songfest. or something. maybe just sit and chat with all the other great gals that are coming, hehe.

    1. Yes yes yes! Let's get there as early as we can so we can sip iced camp coffee on the staff lounge porch and catch up with friends! I can't wait!!!
