Monday, September 24, 2012

Kitchen Tip from My Mom

Do you ever make a pot of something hot and yummy for your family... but it's too hot for the toddlers and you have to wait to let it cool down?  Well that's a pain in the tushy, cause we all know how patient toddlers are.  Also, it's just plain annoying for me because I always end up with lukewarm food for myself by the time theirs is cool.  Apparently I'm just a dummy at keeping my food warm while we wait.

But while I was in the States my Mom taught me this awesome trick!  (Hi, Mom!)  Frozen blueberries placed directly into hot oatmeal = mini ice cubes of yummy goodness!  Adding a small handful of frozen blueberries to the girls' oatmeal cools it down fast enough that we can all eat at the same time and MY OATMEAL is actually still hot! Hallelujah!

I applied the same concept to a simple lunch of mac 'n cheese the other day.  Mostly because I wanted to add a healthy dose of veggies to a not-so-healthy bowl of boxed mac ;o) but also because I wanted to cool it down... frozen peas = mini ice cubes of yummy goodness!  

I'm going to apply the same frozen pea principle to soups (which we do a lot of in the fall/winter).  But other than that I'm not sure what other foods lend themselves to being topped with frozen blueberries or peas.

I'm just glad I have a solution for the oatmeal problem... cause I really do like hot bowls of oatmeal on cold fall mornings!


  1. hehehe - I didn't really think of that as a 'kitchen tip' - it just happened to work one day (and you can also use frozen raspberries!

    1. Trust me it's a tip, new moms of toddlers are thanking you all over the world right now ;o)

  2. yup, we do that. quite convenient :)

  3. Great idea! I always end up throwing an ice cube in there and then it gets all watery. One thing I do for him is freeze applesauce in ice cube trays and throw that in his I guess you can do that with almost anything...ohh, I'm excited to try this!

    1. Great idea about the applesauce! Oh, the possibilities are endless!
