Saturday, September 22, 2012

Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?????

It's started.  The dreaded "whys".  The almost 3yo has started saying "why?" after every. single. thing I say!  And what's worse?  Worse than a kid chirping "why? why? why?" every five seconds.  Oh, there's worse...

She's taught the almost 2yo to do it TOOOOOOO!  Sam has no idea WHY she's saying this magical new word, but she echoes Lily with gusto.  So yep.  A chorus of little why-birds.

Dear Lord how am I going to stay sane?  

Lily also somehow taught Sam to make this awesome cheesy grin.  How am I supposed to get a serious smile out of these two ever again?

But there's good news:  I have a pretty good attitude about the why questions.  Sometimes.  I have the husband to thank for this.  Because as I was frantically asking him for ideas of how to "nip this in the bud" he calmly stated "well isn't this how they learn about life".  UGH.  So true.  

So this is me... deeply breathing... as I TRY to be patient and answer MOST of the WHYS.

But seriously, I've never been more thankful for their bedtime to come ;o)  Peace and quiet is that much more meaningful now!

A recent conversation full of "why? why? why?" finally ended like this...
me: You're driving me crazy! 
Lily: Why?  AHHHHHH!!!

And PS if any of you leave a why-laced comment I swear I'm going to reach through the computer and strangle you.  You think I'm kidding.


  1. maybe it will help to keep reminding yourself 'this is just a season' and a short one at that [and if they don't ask why, how can they ever be ready for the day in a few years that they wake up and suddenly know everything?!?!]xoxoxox0 love you Jess- praying...

    1. hope you can hear the chuckle in my voice when reading this!

    2. Yep! It's definitely important to remember that it's a great developmental milestone. Even if it makes me twitch ;o)

  2. We found that most of the why's can be answered with "because________", "God ____________" or "I am not going to answer that question right now." I'll let you ruminate on which was our preferred answer ;-p

    Also, in our house I finally figured out that most of the time "why" just means "please elaborate on what you just said." Not sure why that helped me rationalize all the extra talking I was doing, but it did.

    1. I know! I feel like I'm talking all the live long day... which probably makes you laugh since you know me and you know how I can already talk. It is kinda cute though to see what things make her more curious. And it's kind of frustrating to realize I really don't KNOW why most of the time!

  3. I'm excited to see what a whole 24hrs of this does to me... And I'm even more excited to see how much patience Dana has. Lol thanks for letting us practice our parenting for a day!!! (:

    1. As I sit here answering my messages in peace and quiet... leisurely sipping a cup of coffee... did I mention the peace and quiet? Oh my goodness you are a saint of a friend. I hope she wasn't too intense ;o) but I know you and Dana are more than capable. Thank you times a thousand!

  4. monkey see, monkey do! do not fret about their curiosity - - I love the cheesy grins!!!

    1. It's just sooooooo annoying Mom! Hard to remember that it's totally normal and stuff ;o)

  5. At least it's not "No."

    Although that may have happened already.

    1. "No" never became a regular thing. Possibly because she got disciplined every time a sassy "NO!" came from her mouth. But she can't really get in trouble for asking why all the time... except for that it drives me nuts!

  6. The grins, they learned from Aunt Steph. Sadly it's a chronic disorder incurable until high school or older :-)

    1. Haha this was my favorite comment! I love you Miss Goofy Grin! Hopefully I can help cure their disorder sooner than yours ;o)

  7. I am in your shoes too Jess... well, I only have one monkey asking why, but that is enough for me to handle. :) I try to keep telling myself that Zeph is truly just trying to learn... I can see his little brain trying to get it all in as I explain - he is very curious and sometimes scarily smart - which I think is because he asks why a lot! ;) Best wishes in your explaining! Nice to have you back online too.
    Love ya

    1. Thanks Amanda! It's nice to be back online. Thanks for being such a faithful reader! And it's nice to know that I have friends who are going through the same thing as me. "We can do this. We can do this."

  8. Hey Jess, Your dear friend Bethanne was a big time whyer. I would answer her whys with what I thought were great answers and then she would ask again why? She turned out to be a great kid, wife, mom and friend. hang in there soon they will be teenagers and you will be asking the whys hopefully they will have learned from their mom how to patiently answer the why question.
    Bethanne Runyans mom, Debbie

    1. Hey Debbie! Thanks so much for commenting! And thanks for the wise advice... I do so much hope that when they are teenagers there is just as much (if not more) talking going on between the three of us. I pray that it's true what you say, that they'll learn from me that answering questions with patience is an important way to show love and respect. Thanks... that should help me see the "why" question differently!

  9. "Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that."
    George Carlin

    1. Haha thanks Mark! But what do I do when I have to "go to work" but the "why monster" follows me around all day? Oh wait, she IS my WORK! Ahhhhh!!! ;o)

  10. pllllllease send me the cheesy grin picture. I love it so much. love love love! ahh. I love it.
