Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Home Videos: of "Es-sizing", Flossing, and "Sno-ying"

Here they are "es-sizng" (exercising) in their "jogging sto-yas" (jogging strollers).  See?  I'm modeling good healthy behavior!  At least sometimes ;o)

Next we have flossing, day one.  Big thanks to my new friend Shawna (Hi Shawna!) who introduced me to the idea that I should be flossing those little baby teeth.  Her daughter's first cavity was an in-between-the-teeth one.  Sounds awful, let's not go there.

And here we have Lily pretending to snore like Daddy.  Brought to you by the other day when he fell asleep on the couch and she asked me "what Daddy doing Momma?"  He's snoring baby.  WHY?  Uh... I don't know, cause he's tired.  So now she climbs into bed and starts snoring and says "don't wake me up Momma I sno-ying."  (which is sort of what I told her that day).

There's your daily dose of aw-aren't-my-kids-are-so-cute ;o)


  1. OMG!!!!! this is one of my favorite posts ever!!! They are precious!!!! And yes the one with Sam flossing is hilarious... I definitely giggled myself awake today! (:

  2. hehehe . . . I was just noticing recently that you hadn't posted any videos lately . . . THANKS, I needed those giggles!

    1. Yeah my "remember to take videos" comes in waves. Some weeks I do a bunch and sometimes I completely forget about it cause I'm too busy taking pictures!

  3. wow. I am speechless..because the girls are so speech-full!!!! I LOVE to hear their little voices! I am sure that you get sick of them but seriously..adorable. freakin adorable. I loved this post so much. They are hilarious

    1. Even though they drive me crazy with those little voices, I like it too :o)
