Monday, October 8, 2012

Branching into the World of Affiliate Links. AKA Making Some Money...?

So I'm finally doing it.  I'm going to see what happens with this whole "affiliate program" business.  Translation: I'm going to try to make a little money with this here blog.  It's an experiment of sorts, and you get to be a part, if you want!

Don't worry, I'm not trying to scam you for cash.  Though, if you want to give me cash just send me a message and I'll give you my address ;o)  But seriously, I don't want to scare you off.  I really appreciate you, my readers.  All of you.  I know you're out there and I really appreciate that of all the things you could spend your precious time reading, you choose to stop by this blog.

I love this blog.  It's my favorite one of my favorite corners of the internet.  I love that it's my online journal of our little family adventures.  I love that it's a place I can present my artwork (my writing and photography) as I learn and grow.  I love that I get to share my passion in the kitchen.  I love that I get to help my far-away-family feel connected to our daily life.  And I love that people tell me they find encouragement here... especially fellow Mommas.  

And I blog often enough and have enough readers that I think it's time to be honest with you: I would love it if you would help me make a few extra bucks.  I was scared to do this at first, for a long time.  Because I was afraid you'd think I was trying to turn my blog into a business.  And that's not it.  Not really...

*insert Jessica's daydream of having a job she can do while sitting on the couch*

I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of online marketing.  And I wasn't really interested when people brought the idea up, because I thought "this is just a personal blog I'm not that cool".  But then I learned that all I have to do is put these little links on my blog and if you click on them before buying something from those sites, I get money.  Not your money. Amazon's money.  It's super easy for you AND me!

Example:  in the side bar you'll see a link to Amazon and a link to Mountain Rose Herbs.  Meaning I love those companies enough to "work" for them by suggesting them to you.  The way it works, if I'm understanding it correctly, is that I say to you "Hey I really love this coffee press I got on Amazon."  Then you follow the link in my post (or you click on my banner) and it takes you to MY Amazon.  See?

What happens at MY Amazon is you look at the french press but you think "Jessica is such a hippie but she's convinced me that french press is the best so yes, I will buy it.  Go."  Then Amazon gives me some money!  Just because I recommended the product and their website to you!  (Which I do anyways, because I love Amazon and I use them all the time.)

But scenario two is even cooler:  You can send Amazon's money my way without buying a blessed thing I suggest to you! So you get to MY Amazon and you say "Jessica is such a hippie and I don't need no stinkin' french press.  But I might as well do my Christmas shopping while I'm here."  And you proceed to spend $1,000 on Christmas presents for your loved ones. Amazon will give me $40!  Just because you got to them through MY Amazon link!

So basically what I'm saying is, it would be really cool to get some kick back from my blogging.  If you like what you read and want to support this blog, go ahead and use my affiliate link when doing your Amazon shopping.  Or my Mountain Rose Herb link if you want to order some hippie goodies.

Thanks for being an important part of my little corner of the internet!


  1. This is awesome - anytime I need something from Amazon, I'll come here to click on the link!

    1. Thanks so much Megan! I really appreciate it!

  2. Hmm...this is just one more reason for me to go buy stuff off of Amazon. I'm not sure if I should be so thankful! ;P

    1. Haha awesome. Well at least you can rest assured you're giving money to a good cause (aka my personal spending!) while you spend needlessly!

  3. You caught me just in time! I had on my to-do list today to put in an Amazon order...Hopefully I did it right. If so I have just sent a whole dollar to you! :) This is pretty cool! You go! Good luck with it!

  4. this is a totally hilarious scenario, at least to me . . . so you send your mom links to everything you and the girls want for Christmas, I do all my Christmas shopping while I'm on Amazon through your link (not just for my Germany family but for all my friends and family) and you get money back from me shopping there . . . wow!

    ps - totally random addition: remember the 'trumpet' toy we got a Pookie's? it has randomly started playing a really creepy tune all by itself while just sitting there - - very quietly - - ALL THE TIME! I'm thinking it may not last the morning!

    1. LOL yeeeeah those creepy toys. We have one that also randomly sings to me. Usually in the early mornings when all is quiet but then I hear "let's clean up this town" from the handheld vacuum. DEATH TO LOUD TOYS! Also, yes. You totally get to throw money at me just because you love me and you love my blog ;o) And my kids.

  5. Good luck! I will also go through your blog for my amazon shopping. Sadly it won't be often! :( Just a side note: I LOVE your blog! You are so encouraging with your honesty of where you are in life and learning to be a wife and a mom and also a woman of God. Praying for you!

    1. Thanks for the prayers T! I sure need them most days. All days ;o)
