Saturday, October 6, 2012

Menu Planning in the 21st Century

Torn out magazine clippings vs. Pinterest.  So I have this three ring binder that is basically Pinterest before the internet...  with cut-outs from hundreds of magazines, copies of recipes from Mom and friends, and other random ideas.  It's pretty old school, but so fun.

Then there's my America's Test Kitchen Family Cookbook .  The best cookbook EVER!  This week it's helping me make AMAZING guacamole for our football night with friends on Sunday.

And last but not least, good old Pinterest.

Let's not forget the trusty iPod Touch.  With a list app that will rock your socks off if you love lists (List Master: $8 and worth every penny).  I'm kind of obsessed with lists and I love that I can color code them, rearrange their order, and of course cross those "to-do's" off when done... so satisfying!  And it's all right at my fingertips!

I love technology!

This week I'm trying two new meatball recipes from Real Simple Magazine... lemony meatball soup and red curry meatballs over rice.  I'll let you know how they turn out!

1 comment:

  1. so jealous of your guacamole. (: and I agree, the test kitchen cookbook is the BEST!
