Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dancing Divas

I haven't posted a home video in awhile so here's two minutes of Double Trouble dancing around with their new "dancing ribbons" that I threw together for them.  The obnoxious and unintelligible phrase they are chirping is translated "dance class, dance class, DANCE CLASS!" which I'm pretty sure they got from Despicable Me.  Dancing babies are so cute!


  1. aww she said YEAH instead of YESHHHHH!!! :*( I'm so excited about this video...I wish I could "dance class" with them. I miss them so much. ugh. it's really heartbreaking how much I miss you guys. Sam's hair is so long...it's not even cool how much they grow.

    1. I know, she has a pretty fantastic ponytail going on here :o) Miss you too friend.

  2. love . . . love . . . love . . . oh so much love.

    miss . . . miss . . . miss . . . I miss my girlses so so much!

  3. this made me smile in such a BIG way today... (: I love how Sam is terrified of wacking herself in the eyes with the streamers so she blinks like crazy when she's waving it. Also further love the "Dance Class" chant on repeat. Mad props to you on the dancing ribbons! Those things are fab-u-lous!!! (:

    1. Thaaaaanks! They only took about five minutes so: Busy Mom Win!

  4. Umm I absolutely love that!!!! The girls are gorgeous! Titus had a blast watching them dance and told me the girls were cute! ;D I canNOT wait until Rya's hair is long enough to do a ponytail like that! I love that song!

    1. Yeah, it's a cute memory (the little girl dancing, the ponytails, and the song) and I wanted it on record :o)

  5. I can't believe Sam has so much hair! I loved watching it.
