Sunday, February 3, 2013

Nemo is Cute, Till He Starts Taking Over Your Brain

If I watch or listen to Finding Nemo one more time I think I'm going to develop a twitch. Which is inevitable, actually, because my kids are OBSESSED with that movie! It could be worse... I would like to give Pixar a shout out for making a movie that is not that annoying to watch 478,000 times. It's a pretty great movie!

In the interest of full disclosure I will confess to you that my girls watch tv on an almost daily basis.  I used to be one of those moms who viciously guarded my toddlers from the evils of "screen time" and felt guilty every time I popped in a movie so I could get a break.  No longer, my friends.  It kind of hit me over the head when a non-mom friend asked me over lunch "why are moms so worried about kids watching tv?  We all grew up watching tv all the time, and we all STILL watch tv all the time!  We don't really expect our kids not to watch tv, do we?"  Hm.....

And then I got to thinking about how much Jesse and I love sitting down together to watch a movie... and though I know there is a ton of research out there about how tv can have negative effects on small children, it's just one of those things I'm choosing not to care about.  One movie a day gives me about an hour and a half to get some chores done relatively interruption-free.  

Plus I realized that some of the best moms I know let their kids watch tv.  It's all about balance.  And yes, sometimes I use Nemo to babysit my kids so I can cook dinner in peace.  Don't judge me, it's sometimes the best part of my day!  

Oh and in case any moms out there are ever beating themselves up over how much their kids watch the same show over and over again... let me tell you that there was once a particularly rough day in Momville where they had already watched Nemo that morning and Sam was whiny and begging to watch it again in the afternoon... and I let them! Twice in one day.  Oy veh.  

Okay moving on to the funny quotes:

So I've got this Mother Goose story book and I'm trying to help Lily work on her memory by reading her nursery rhymes and trying to get her to "fill in the blanks"... 
 Me:  "Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John, went to bed with his trousers on.  One shoe off and one    
          shoe on, diddle diddle dumpling, my son..."
 Lily:  (enthusiastically)  "NEMO!"  

And THEN.  To prove to you that it's not only Lily and Sam who have Nemo on the brain... the other night at Photoshop class I was having some delightful adult-only conversation with Kirsten and Megan... and K explained something and I responded with "Coo coo ca choo" before I even knew what was happening.  The best part?  When Kirsten started laughing (cause she knows how often Nemo happens in the Aiduk casa) I was like, "what movie is that from?"  I didn't even know off the top of my head!  But Finding Nemo plays so often that it's usually just the background noise of my life!  And now I'm quoting Crush without even realizing it!  

Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!  Someone save me from Pixar!!!!!!


  1. hehehe . . . with you at that age it was the Little Mermaid . . . I guess you and your offspring just love being 'under the sea'

  2. With my kids it was "Land Before Time."

    1. over and over and over and over and over and over...
      (many days I prayed the video tape would wear out!)

    2. Oh goodness I bet you just LOVED it when they came out with all twenty sequels!

  3. Ours right now is the Lorax. SM loves the music in it and it's probably about the only movie that I can pop on that I know he will sit down for the entire thing. We've been succumbing to it recently too. It just gets so hard in these winter months to find things for them to stayed occupied with for all day. I say bring on the one-eyed babysitter! In balance of course. ;)

    1. We LOVE the Lorax! SM has good taste ;o)

    2. And good point about the season... we probably watch a lot more tv in the winter than the summer. Cause when the weather's nice there's just so many more options! Yet another reason to count down till Spring!

    3. I've already started looking through seed magazines...bad, bad idea!

    4. Haha yep. We were at the BX yesterday and they have the garden stuff out already and J was like "aren't they a little early on this?" and I'm like WHO CARES LET'S BUY SOME DIRT! Oh....

  4. Titus has a couple TV shows he enjoys (and he has learned a lot from them!) and for movies he loves Nemo and Toy Story. It's all about balance (something I struggle with) and doing whatever works for your family (something I'm learning).

    1. Yep! No need to kill ourselves trying to be the supermom we THINK all the other moms are... cause we're all pretty much in the same boat!
